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"you are kidding right"taehyung asked in disbelief."tell me you are lying"he shout at the younger glaring at him.

"Yes i did"jimin stated and glare at the already glaring eyes of taehyung.

"are you crazy you kill an innocent baby"jungkook screamed feeling his body vibrate in anger.

"did we even mean anything to you to abort our baby"jungkook's voice cracked while his tears fell from his eyes.

"You are monster jimin,you disgusted me"taehyung stated tears trickled down his face.

Jimin felt his heart break also seeing the disapointment and disgust look on the boys,the people he love the most in the world.

"we all know i can't keep this baby"

"shut up jimin what makes you think we can't"jungkook said through gritted teeth,his fist balling together.

"because you killed taemin"jimin screamed tears beaming his eyes and jungkook froze immediately.

he harshly wiped his tears and glare at jungkook."do you know who killed your Lisa,taehyung did and i killed taehyung father,what a couple we are"he sneered and let out a dry  laugh.

Jungkook eyes widened and snap his eyes to look at taehyung who let out a defeated sigh and look elsewhere.

"W-what did you just say"jungkook choked out,he never felt so much betrayal in entire life more than this as he look at the younger to tell him this was all a lie.

"We are all a murderer kook"jimin whispered letting his tear flowing freely."and i can't bear my child to live like that"he said and slowly remove his wedding ring throwing it on the floor,holding back his sob as he walks away.

Jungkook slowly snapped a glare at taehyung.

"is it true,did you really killed my noona"jungkook demanded and felt his heart shattered into million pieces when the male slowly nod.

"but i swear i did it for you,Lisa was working for my father since the very beginning when your father found out he killed her whole family making her to came back for revenge she approached you for that kook,i had to killed her before she could hurt you"

"Stop!!,you're lying"

"please kook believe me she is the one that post my video on the school board"

"Is that why you killed her,do you know when your father died i was there,I was going to kill him too just for you but you know what when i got there he was already died so i waited and i saw you coming out from there with blood all over your hand so i thought you kill your father but i never knew it was my Noona's blood"

"yes kook I was going to kill my father too but i also meet his dead bodies so"

"You had to killed her"jungkook spat out.

"Yes"he said defeated."i had to killed her for you to be alive and for us to be freed"

"Shut up tae you never think it's could hurt me"

"I'm sorry jungkook"he confessed unable to stop the tears falling from his eyes.

"jimin was right we are not supposed to be together"

"no kook we can't do that"

Jungkook slowly let out a harsh laugh at the male.

"Then do you think i will still want to be with you,stop delusional tae it's better we go our separate ways "he said and walk away leaving taehyung with shattered heart.


Jimin slowly slumps down on his bed his eyes blur with tears,he grabs one of his pillows and throw it against the wall gripping his hair in frustration.a sob escape his mouth when he remembers how the two look at him,he doesn't want to lose them,they're all he got but he had to for their baby,he has to left them to save his child from his father.he snapped his head up when Mr park walks into the room.

"Welcome home"his father beamed making the younger snap a glare at him.

"are you happy now"jimin screamed his face held so much anger and hatred at him.

"come on min it's your decision you choose to let them go yourself"

"Shut up you tried to killed them and abort my baby"he said glaring at him.

"So you choose your baby over your boys"

"if i choose my husband that's mean am still working with you,i can't lie to them anymore they would have hate me if i did abort the baby anyway,so stick to your promise"

"Sure i did say you should choose between your husband and your baby but you are so foolish jimin if only you choose your husband and get me their signature on the gold mine and get rid of the baby then we could have live happily again like nothing  happen but you choose to save some stupid child you didn't even know"

"You are wrong he is in my belly I can feel him and i have no reason to live with you am going away with my baby"

Mr park tsk and shakes his head."and who say you will have a baby"he said suddenly and stab the younger on the neck with syringe.jimin let out a pain scream and pushed him making him stumbled back,he was about to reach the door when everywhere started blurring in his eyes.

"W-what did you do to me"he stuttered out and staggered back.

"I inject you with sleeping pills when you wake up your baby will be gone"the man grinned evilly,jimin shakes his head in panicked,he quickly reached for his phone but darkness overcame him before he could and collapsed to the ground.

"sir you called me"Minho and two bodyguards walked into the room and bow at the man.

"Take jimin to the hospital and get rid of the baby in his belly"


jungkook Walk into his father Mansion totally livid,he shot the two bodyguards who tried to stop him,he used his leg to busted the door open and found his father reading newspaper comfortably on the couch,jungkook stomped to him and point the gun to his head glaring at the man.

"you have grow some balls son pointing gun at your father twice"

"Shut up,you told me taemin killed Lisa"jungkook spat,his angry eyes glaring at him.

"oh that!!,am just joking"the man smirked while jungkook stared at him in shock.

"What!!you made me killed innocent man just for a joke"he yelled,looking at his father in disbelief.

"No son he is not innocent,he killed Kim"

"What the fuck do you think i care about that old man"jungkook spat out Mr jeon eyes darkened,he used his leg to kick the younger on the knee causing him to stumbled back making his gun fall in the process,he quickly reached it but stop when a thousandth gun had point to his head from the bodyguards.

"don't ever lose your cool in front of your enemy son,you still have a long way to go if you want to challenge me"he mused picking up the gun from the floor and point it at the younger.

"shut up you talk too much kill me if you want"jungkook spat out at him.

"you think i can't"Mr jeon grinned and shot jungkook on the shoulder making the younger hissed in pain and snap a glare at him.

"this time i won't missed"he smirked pointing the gun at the younger head and pulled the trigger.

This story is slowly coming to the end only few more chapter to go.

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