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"how can this be,this doesn't make sense how can taemin dead like that"Minho screamed at the two police men who look at him with pity.they found the older's corpse on the floor in the morning he was shot in the chest.

jimin taps his hand on the table in the older apartment,it's sting his heart so bad someone dare to kill his hyung,his  favorite person and he was going to make them pay for it.he slowly crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch while Minho was wailing and screaming at the police for not protecting him and of course they were not at fault,they were also called this morning by taemin's cleaner who went to clean the house and found his master dead on the floor.

"sir you need to go out,so that we can do our job"they said to jimin and he slowly stand up.

"Have you checked the CCTV footage "jimin asked while the two shake their heads in a total defeat.

"we checked but we didn't see anyone coming in or going out,this person is a skilled killer and can't be handled lightly"

jimin nod at the police words of course they weren't an ordinary person and jimin like challenge,he was definitely going to like this hide and seek,he slowly glance back at Minho.

"i want you to find out about taemin and someone name Lisa for me"he mentioned seeing the male nod in agreement,for some reasons jimin  thinks the two are connected in some ways and he can't wait to find out.

"someone is playing with fire"he said and smirk broadly.

"I can't wait to be the tagger of this game"         


taehyung was pacing back and forth waiting for his second husband jimin and his wish was granted as the younger slowly walk into the room.

"hey are you okay,i heard what happened"taehyung says and quickly took the younger into embrace.

"where is jungkook"jimin asked and  taehyung frown deepen since the taller have not come out from his room since yesterday.

jimin sighed deeply he really didn't understand,they were happy before so what could have happened to made them like this,his thoughts were cut short by taehyung big arms wrapping around his tiny waist.

"don't worry,i know kook will come around,he is a strong boy"

"Yes very strong in bed"jimin confessed with a laugh which made taehyung join on the chuckled as well.

"do you want to eat anything"he said making jimin raised a brow at him.

"but you can't cook"

"i can try you and kook haven't eaten anything since yesterday"

"and so are you"jimin added and rolled his eyes,an idea suddenly popped on his head and he smiled immediately.

"i know what can make kookie come out from his room"he exclaimed loudly and look at taehyung.

Taehyung sigh deeply."i have tried many things but it useless.

"No tae,i swear it will work but we will have to burn something a little"he said giggling while taehyung raised a brow at him.

"are you sure this will work"taehyung said as he place an empty fry pan on the fire while the two stand beside it watching it slowly puffing out a smoke,they glance at jungkook's door and they heard nothing.

"see i told you"taehyung mumbled sadly they were about to give up and put off the fire when they heard the door of jungkook's slammed open,his steps can be heard as they hurried up to the kitchen,the two giggled and high five each other and quickly held a blank expression as the taller walks to them. 

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