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"what are you looking at losers never see a married man before"jimin shout while glaring at the peoples who were murmuring and gossiping about him as he walked off to the cafeteria.

he walks into the room which was filled with a lot of students and he could heard some people hissing and snorting at him,he ignored the mean attitude and started scanning the crowd looking for the only person who would always be there for him the person who would always take his side and never judge no matter what.

His best friend and brother.

"hey jimin over here"yoongi wave at him showing off his gummy smile which jimin rolled his eyes to.

He order his food and came to sit beside min yoongi ignoring the hard stare the people in the room were giving who were probably taehyung's fans.

"So jeon how was your honeymoon" yoongi teased earning a glare from jimin.

"honeymoon my foot and why are you calling me jeon"

"then what should i called youKim?" yoongi asked pretending to be in thought about the name while Jimin shove him on the shoulder making him laugh.

"Hyung"jimin exclaimed puckering his lip out making him look extremely cute.

"Wae i know you like the name"
yoongi taunt with a playful smirk.

"No i don't"jimin pout trying to hide his reddish cheeks.

"You are blushing"yoongi exasperated yet held an amused glint in his eyes.

"Hyung i hate you you know me too well"jimin pout and give him a fake glare while yoongi pinched his nose.

"You are too cute jiminah too cute for my liking"yoongi cooed winking at him.

"I preferred pretty"jimin huff crossing his arms with a pout while yoongi laugh shaking his head.

"Oh look who is here It the gay guy so disgusting"rose snickered and her two friends jisoo and jennie burst into laughter while jimin rolled his eyes.

just when he thought he is going to have a peaceful day this ugly bitches is here to ruined it.

"hey Kim jungkook"hoseok shout to jungkook,his voice can be heard through the hallway."how are you,
I have missed you"

Jungkook snaps a glare toward him.

"Too bad,i don't miss you"jungkook said and started walking towards his destination while hoseok run after him and throw an arm around jungkook shoulder,which he gladly slapped away.

"rude"hoseok muttered and jungkook remain nonchalant.

"Of course i know you will be busying fucking your husbands to even miss me,so how was it?"hoseok asked,a trace of sarcasm in his voice.

"Goddamn it hyung,give me a break" jungkook sigh in annoyance while hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Well at your sudden outburst,it's meant you guys didn't do it"he sigh, dissapoint evident in his eyes.

"And why do you care"jungkook  raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Actually am curious,i want to know  who will top"hoseok says,arm crossed with a smirk.

"And it's not even obvious"jungkook snickered,there is no way he will let Taehyung top him,never.

"Dude you are so full of yourself,i wouldn't mind bottoming if it for Taehyung that dude pretty as fuck" and jungkook glared at him.

"Dude,don't tell me you are jealous" hoseok said with a smirk.

"The fuck i would be jealous" jungkook huffed,glaring at hoseok

"Then why are you angry when i mentioned Taehyung,does it bother you that much"hoseok teased.

"Hyung am not"jungkook sigh in annoyance,he really wants to beat hoseok up right now.

"Hey I heard Park jimin and Kim taehyung girlfriend are fighting in the cafeteria"one boy told his friend.

jungkook stopped in his tracks and look at the boys

"Really let go and watch"the other boy said.

"did you just say jimin"jungkook asked,eyes darkened.

"Y.e.s"the boys stuttered feeling intimidated by jungkook presence.

i mean it's jeon jungkook we are talking about here.

"Fuck"he said and run to the cafeteria while hoseok run after him.


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