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"so do you want to kill me now" taemin question with a glare at him as he was on his knee with a gun point to his head.

Jungkook chuckled shaking his head.

"where's the fun in that and i prefer tortured"he said with a winks.

"you are no different from your father" taemin spat at him and gulped when he saw a dead glare on the younger face knowing he has offend him,he raised a questioning brow when the younger suddenly smirked at him.

"You are wrong hyung"jungkook pout and held a smug expression."because am more wicked than my father"he said grinning.

"do you know what this is"jungkook smiled as he examined his gun.

"this is my favorite toy,i called him jk"he said as he patted taemin's cheeks with the gun.

taemin gulped thickly when he felt the cold mental on his skin.

"Cut the crap and just kill me already" he said confidently while sweating nervously,jungkook grinned and pulled the gun away.

"Nah am not killing you"he confessed while taemin raise a brow at him.

jungkook sigh and look back at taemin.

"Am here for a favor"he says while taemin look at him suspiciously.

"i need you to protect jimin for me,i can't when he's with you"he said and taemin sensed stress in his voice.

"and why should i listen to you"taemin asked giving him a hard stare.

"my father is after him and am not powerful enough to stop my father"
he sighed in a low tone and moved his already messy hair back.

"you didn't have to tell me about that, worry about yourself"taemin scoffed and glare at him.

Jungkook chuckled and suddenly closed off all his emotions.

"you can't kill me taemin,am sure of that"

"you sure are so confident huh,you just watched,you will regret not killing me today"

Jungkook laughed while taemin clenched his fist stabbing him with his eyes.

"just be happy you meet me in a good mood"he said and nodded to the man behind taemin,he pulled his gun away and went to stand beside jungkook.

"next time we meet you won't be lucky like today"he added as he turn slightly and look back at taemin, before walking away.

taemin let out a hissed feeling defeated by ordinary high schooler which is first time for him.he looked back at the dead bodies and glared at them.

"so fucking useless"


"can believe an ordinary high school kid whopped your ass"Minho snickered while taemin glared at him he watched the male walk around the room and seat in front of him with fingers tangled together.

"he is not some fucking kid,he belong in mafia"taemin scoffed rolling his eyes at the dumb male.

"according to my research taemin,the boy didn't belong in any criminal activities but he was strong on his own,extremely strong and don't you find it odd"

"something is indeed fishy"taemin said as he slowly rub his forehead.

"i will try to find out but we need to tell the big boss"Minho suggested

taemin shakes his head."i can't risk that"

"can't you see this is getting out of hand,what if you get killed"Minho stated worriedly and took the older's hand in his."please let tell the big boss"he said desperately,taemin slowly shakes his head and let's go of his hands.

"am sorry but am not telling big boss,I will follow Mr park order"he said and stand up.

"why are you so stubborn"Minho yelled making taemin stop."what if big boss found out you are taking orders without his knowledge,he will kill you taemin,he hate liars"Minho whispered softly.he didn't want to imagine the horrible punishment the older will have to undergo if he ever found out.

"i don't care am doing him a favor anyway"he said and look back at tearing eyes of Minho."goodnight"he said and went away.

"i see your feelings for him has not fade a bit,if only you could see me,see my sincere heart for you"Minho whispered softly

"Lucky him"he mumbled sadly.


Taemin froze when he reached home and he could hear some noise coming out behind the closed door of his apartment,he slowly open the door revealing jimin sitting on the couch watching TV.

"why are you so late hyung"jimin pout  while taemin gulped thickly.

"i-i-i was with Minho"he stuttered nervously,he tensed up when jimin walk towards him and gulped thickly at the younger hands on his shoulder while jimin furrowed his eyebrows at the older reaction

"are you okay hyung"jimin whisper as he took in the older facial expression. taemin nodded with a smile.

"You are not lying to me right"jimin added looking at the older suspiciously.

taemin heart tug in uneasiness as the younger stared at his soul trying to read him.

"It's late jimin,let go to sleep"he added quickly and walk to the stairs.

"Hyung"jimin's small voice called making taemin stop in his tracks and look back at him.

"do you mind being my date to tomorrow end of the year party"jimin pout giving taemin his adorable puppy eyes knowing very well that cause him to weaken instantly.

"sure anything for my mochi"taemin chuckled while the younger giggled and jumped on his hyung.

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