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I huffed in irritation rolling my eyes for the tenth time as i watched the three men's in the room engrossed in their discussion about our own life which is never their decision to make.

"yes,i think we should go with what Mr jeon said grand wedding is not necessary,they should just registered in court"Mr kim spoke up and sip the coffee in front of him and i desperately want to snapped at him.

"And after that,they can live in one of our mansion"

"But dad"i blurt out unable to control my unsettled mind any longer.

"Jimin,can't you see we are discussing here"my father scolded and I rolled my eyes sighing in irritation for getting cut off again.

"Spoiled brat"jungkook mumbled audible for me to hear and i snapped a dead glare at him.

taehyung and jungkook were sitting beside me while our fathers sit across us.

at first i have once thought about my future and how my future wife will be at my wedding,how i'm going to be the loving husband and caring father for my children but i guess that was just a fantasy i create for myself since i was about to stuck with this two asshole forever.

and i hated it,hate the fact they're deciding my future for me,and i can't do nothing about it but what i was more pissed about is the fact the two just sit there without fighting about how wrong this all was.

how and why am i the only one who get so work up about this.am i really the overreacted one here.?

does this even really worth the black card,i suddenly feel nauseous and the urge to vomit is killing me.

"Minnie are you okay"I glance at my father who was looking at my sweating face worriedly.

Was he always this kind-hearted.

"I--i'm fine,i just need to use the bathroom"i stuttered out rising up to my feet,I think i will lose my mind if I stayed there another minute.

"Okay,jungkook can you help me make sure jimin is okay"my father plead and i almost screamed at him.

"what,dad am okay"I yelled out giving him a disapproving look.

"No you are not,you are sweating so much"

"But dad"I exclaimed bitterly and i rolled my eyes when i was cut off again.

"No but,jungkook please"Mr park murmur smiling at jungkook who nod and rise to his feet.

This is so fustrating i lied about going to the bathroom because I want to have some time alone now am being accompanied by this two jerks,you are wondering why it's two well Kim fucking taehyung even decided to tag along.

"Just what i fucking needed"i spit out sarcastically and the two ignored my sassy remark while walking beside me in silence.

I could sense jungkook was irritated by the heavy glare on his face and I think he will lost his mind if he stayed another minute there with us which annoyed me for some unknown reason i can't comprehend.

Taehyung was walking beside me with blank expression and I can't help but to get curious about what could actually be going on in his mind right now.

"So will you two mind going back now i can go by myself"i snarl out turning my attention to them and i heard a deep sigh coming out from jungkook mouth sounding irritate with my rudeness which i paid no attention to.

there is no way I'm letting this guy's neared me again,i don't know this weird feelings i keep getting around the two and it's not pleasant for me if it's keep lingering around,i have to get rid of it as soon as possible

"No,your dad told us to-------

"Can you please stop"i screamed cutting taehyung off i can't hold this in anymore and i don't want this damn marriage especially with this two.

"Why,just why don't you say anything back there,it's obvious we didn't want this marriage,it's so obvious you are not happy,just why why"i screamed at them even though deep down i knew the two didn't do anything wrong but my ego wouldn't let me admit that.

I let out a gasp when jungkook suddenly grab me by the collar and slammed me to the wall and i let out a hissed as his hands cut roughly around my neck.

"You think it's unfair to you huh"
jungkook yelled making me and taehyung flinched as his voice echoing through the hallway.

his piercing gaze glaring furiously at me and if look could kill i would have certainly been dead by now i couldn't do anything all i do is just letting my tears flow freely as the clothes cut roughly around my neck.

"you think i fucking want this too,you have no fucking idea how i hate all this shitty things,do you think we want to be in this situation,don't be nuisance to us and stop whining like a puppy"

"i'm s-sorry"i whimpered out feeling the soul leaving my body at the way he was choking me.my eyes stop on taehyung who held on a fearful eyes staring at me in panicked before quickly rushed to us.

"Jungkook please calm the fuck down you're hurting him"he yelled in panicked and jungkook finally release me as i fall to the ground.

I started coughing holding my neck with my trembling hands unable to stop my tears from spilling out.

Jungkook brushed his hair back and let out an irritated sigh."i fucking hate all of this".he spat out with a deep scrowl and walked away.

"Are you okay"taehyung expressed dropping to my level and i finally release out a sob crying uncontrollably in front of him.

"I'm sorry,am sorry"i murmur letting my tears flow freely and taehyung draw me into his chest surprising me as i froze in place while he caresses my hair.

It took me a seconds before i slowly melt into his arms which will soon be my favorite place in the world.

If that was possible.

Taehyung slowly brought my face up and stare deep into my soul.

"Hey it's okay, it's not your fault"he whispered softly and just like that i felt myself drowning in that his brown eyes.

no matter how wrong this all was,we are still human afterall and human takes the wrong step at a time and that steps is the beginning of our lives.

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