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"Kim taehyung"jimin screamed and taehyung quickly rushed to the room, his eyes swollen and hair messy,he just woke up because of park evil jimin of course.

"i can't pulled the blanket off"jimin pout,his puppy eyes staring at tae who just sigh stressfully and help jimin pulling the blanket off him.

"do you need anything else"taehyung said in a calm tone while screaming inside,he and jungkook have been living in a hell since jimin came from the hospital.

"i want to brush and bath then eat" jimin smile contently.

"ok,let go"

"and I want you to carry me"jimin said with a sly smile.

"park jimin,your legs are fine"he huffed in annoyance.

"if am walking my hands will hurt" jimin pout.

taehyung gave him a frustrated look while jimin opened his arm with a wide smile

taehyung scooped him up bridal style and left the room,he placed jimin on the bathroom counter and get the brush and started brushing him.

jimin eyes started trailed to his face.

Damn taehyung is so handsome.

"stop staring at me,you are creeping me out"taehyung said amused grin tugging at his lip.

"No i a.m n.o.t"a blush spread across jimin face as he stuttered,taehyung lean in on the counter staring at jimin while licking his lips.

jimin swallow a thick of saliva down his throat,staring intently as taehyung stares at him,that cunning smile not fading his lips.

All blood drain jimin's body feeling slightly light headed with his heart pounding in anticipation.

He tensed up,when taehyung placed a hand on his hips gently messaging his side with his thumb and suddenly flicked jimin forehead,he let out a pained growl and glare at taehyung.

"you are not expecting kiss while you are brushing right"taehyung said disgusted.

"who is expecting kiss"jimin shout while rubbing his forehead.

"of course i know you can't wait to taste my lips "taehyung teased while wriggling his brow at him.

"shut up"jimin grumble while glaring at him and taehyung chuckled.

after he finishes brushing jimin,he lift him off the counter.

"take your clothes off"taehyung said while jimin cocked a brow at him.

"damnit jimin undress,so i can bathe you"taehyung said frustrated.

"Ok,close your eyes"he gave jimin a "really" look before obeying.

after a few seconds taehyung became impatient and open his eyes and see jimin still fiddling with his shirt,the damn clothes is still on him.

"Park jimin"taehyung screamed.

"i can't undress""he pout while taehyung was on the edge of exploding,he stomp towards jimin.

jimin held his hand up stopping him as he moved to help him.

"What are you doing"jimin said face flushed.

"let me help jimin,I don't want to be late for school"taehyung said in irritated tone.

"Ok"jimin sigh in defeat and let taehyung undress him,his face shaded with pink.

taehyung stunned at the sight of jimin gorgeous body in front of him,

wanting to get the privilege to mark the milky skin with hickey already.

while jimin smirked knowing the older has been eyeing lustfully.

"Done"jimin smirked making taehyung flustered.

"Help me filled the bath tub"taehyung nodded tiredly and turn to go.

"oh and i like it warm"jimin smirked while tae glared at him and left for the job.

"jimin are you really okay,want me to feed you"yoongi asked worriedly,they were sitting at the school cafeteria.

"jeez hyung I said am fine"jimin rolled his eyes at yoongi for asking the same question over and over.

"but jimin it's obvious you can't eat with this hand,where are those jerks anyway they are supposed to be taking care of you right now"yoongi pointed out.

"don't call them jerks they have been working their asses off for me for the past few days and it's not like they will be around everyday for me anyway they have their own business to worry about"jimin snap at his best friend.

"Is that the business"yoongi scoffed pointing toward the main entrance of the cafeteria.

jimin eyes follow yoongi and saw rose clung to taehyung while laughing at whatever they were saying.

jimin eyes clouding with jealousy with a hand balled into a fist.

he stand up instantly and walked to them ignoring yoongi who yelled at him to come back.

"Kim taehyung"jimin shout catching  him and rose attention.

"jimin please not this time"

taehyung sigh stressfully when he saw jimin coming toward him.

"hyung am hungry"jimin smirked looking at the defeated taehyung.

"come and feed me"


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