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Am sorry for the late update,I have been busy with my Exam and it's finally over.

this is all to my lovely friends.


"hyung please don't abandoned us like this"

"am sorry jungkookie i won't come until jimin gave birth that little mochi almost turned me into a slave the last time i come to your house"

Jungkook let out a tired sigh brushing his hair from his face as he heard jin sneered out through the other line.

Since the death of their fathers he and taehyung thought they were finally free but that was not the case instead they were in pit of hell because of jimin,they have been working they asses off since last month when the younger pregnancy was two months old they have to deal with the younger attitude,his mood swings and morning sickness and many other things they pray would just disappear.of course the two understand that's how it should be but not for jimin since everything is thrice for him.

yoongi,jin and namjoon tried to help but they run away the next day because of the younger's behaviours sometimes he will crave something that's can only be found in other city and sometimes he cried or angry for no reason but sometimes he may all be giddy and clung on them all day and it's not like they were  complaining but he may want it when they were about to go to school and they have no choice but to accept,one day he wants taehyung to cuddle with him making the elder to be absent and missed his exam that day since then the two decided to stay at home and took online classes.

Jungkook heard a screamed coming from the living room and he quickly disconnected his call and rushed there and stopped when he find jimin placing a hand on his hips his baby bump show in the sweater he put on with a pout on his gorgeous red lips making Jungkook let out a smile something he can't deny is the fact the younger has got a lot more prettier and absolutely stunning during the pregnancy.

"kook i want taetae to give me piggy back"he says with a pout making Jungkook eyes widened and glance at taehyung who sighed deeply an eyebags evident in his eyes.

"Minnie taetae can't you are pregnant it will hurt your baby"he says carefully since he didn't want to upset the smaller male yet he still failed as the pout in the younger lips turned into a frown and two knew they were fucked as they shakes their heads tiredly.

"How do you know it will hurt my baby are you the one carry it"jimin snapped stabbing them with his eyes.

"jimin please don't be angry,I'll make sure I carried you after you gave birth"taehyung suggest desperately as he walks to him to hold his hand but the younger took a step back from him and shakes his head.

"No taehyung i want it now and if you can't give it to me then i advise you too get out of my house"he barked glaring at the two male who sighed sadly and walk out while the younger slammed the door shut.

"I'm tired kook,it's three months and he is still going to nine months,how am i going to survive this"taehyung cried out as he slump down to the floor in front of the apartment while Jungkook plopped down beside him and giving a reassuring pat in the back making the male place his head on the taller shoulder.

"I can't remember when last i had a good sleep"he added with a sigh.

"we just need to bear it tae and you know this was all a mood swings and of course mixed with the younger spoilt behavior"Jungkook says and they both chuckled,taehyung glance at his wrist watch and look back at Jungkook.

"It's almost the time"

"Jimin will be here in a minute"

Jungkook completed with a chuckled and with that the door bust opened revealing jimin with tears beaming his eyes as he frown deeply while the elders waste no time in pulling the younger into a careful hug and leave a kisses on his forehead.

"I'm sorry i send you out,i don't know why i did"he pout while the two hush him wiping his tears away telling him it's not his fault.

they knew the younger will eventually stop crying but what the smaller male was going to say next is what they were worried about and just as they guesses jimin sniff and wipe his tears away and look at the two who gulped immediately.

"I want to eat the African doughnuts" he says,giving them his adorable puppy eyes making the two sighed tiredly because they knew it.


"So bitches don't you think we need to help this poor guys"jin snickered making yoongi scoff and place his head on his boyfriend hoseok's shoulder.

"why should I,they made jimin like that they should take their responsibility"he mentioned with a rolled eyes.

"of course they did but the poor guys never knew the pregnant jimin would be this hard"jin says as he glared at the younger who give him a shrugged.

"and you hoseok i thought you are Jungkook best friend"

"I am but i don't know how to care for pregnant people and jimin almost beat the shit out of me when i tried to place my hands on his baby bump he is possessive as fuck"

"of course he will be do you know how scary it was and what he passed through when they were about to forced him to abort his baby and you don't think he will get possessive"jin snapped glaring at the male who rolled his eyes at him.

"Alright don't fight guys and i think have a plan"namjoon added making them all avert their gaze back to him.

"how about we move to their place then we can help them taking care of jimin"he suggested and they all agreed except yoongi who snort loudly but was meet with warning eyes of jin making him slip his mouth shut immediately.

Hoseok brought out his phone and dialled his best friend number and after a few rings the younger finally picked the call while hoseok raise a brow at the noise in the background.

"hey kook,where are you why is it so noisy there"

"hey hyung I'm actually in the airport"he said while hoseok raise questioning brow at him.

"I'm going to Africa to buy doughnuts for jimin"


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