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Hey am back again and sorry for the late update,thanks for your patience and support,thanks for all your messages and wishes,it's meant a lot thanks.

taehyung opened his eyes to the bright room with the warm sun rays sneaking through the big glass of the window.

he look at his side to see jimin still sleeping peacefully his lips slightly parted as silent snores escape his mouth.

taehyung smiled at the beautiful creature laying beside him he has always dreamed of this day waking up with his two husbands besides him.

He used his fingers to brushed a few hairs from jimin's face which made the younger stirred slightly and quickly cuddles to the pillow.

taehyung chuckled,he didn't want to bother the younger as he stepped out of the bed and tiptoeing to the bathroom soundlessly he did his morning routine before leaving the room to check on jungkook only to stop in surprised when he found the male was already in the kitchen busying making breakfasts and he was shirtless.

taehyung nearly cough out blood at the sexiest man standing in front of him.

He desperately want to run over and  raked his hand on the toned abs of the taller but listening to the male story and how he was so afraid of falling in love again.

taehyung knew he had to wait even if it's takes eternity for jungkook to finally opened his heart for them.

he won't mind to wait forever.

"hey you up"jungkook asked smiling at taehyung who stand at the door with both hands in pocket.

"did you have to be this sexy early in the morning and you are fucking shirtless"taehyung said licking his lips while batting his eyelashes seductive at the taller.

Jungkook rolled his eyes"i don't want to get butter on me that's why,you hormonal whore"taehyung giggled and walked to stand beside him.

"but you could have used apron or did you do this to seduce me"he winks at him.

jungkook stop his cooking and suddenly sneaks his arm around the smaller waist pulling him closer and started leaning in catching taehyung offguard he quickly snapped his eyes shut meanwhile he have no idea that the taller male have no intention in kissing him.

"you sure are so confident for a bottom"jungkook smirked and retreat from him and went to his cooking as if nothing happened.

taehyung smirked an amused grin tugging on his lips."wanna bet"

"what are babbling about now" jungkook was cut off by taehyung stormed toward him,spun him around and crashed their lips together.

jungkook knew he crossed the line with taehyung as he see the latter kissing him aggressively with a sudden confident the kiss was rough as both fight for dominant.

Jungkook smirk letting the male have his way with him.

Taehyung moves from jungkook's mouth to pressed a kiss to his necks

jungkook let out a moan as he felt taehyung tongue sucking on his neck he thread his quivering hand into those ruffles black locks of taehyung both indulging in the moment that they didn't realize the house is filling with a smoke.

"t.a.e i th.in.k som.e th.ing i.s bu.rning"jungkook stuttered loving how the male makes him feel.

"you heard wrong baby"taehyung said in a husky growl that made jungkook shivered he was just trying to let taehyung try the feeling of being a dominant with him but never knew the latter was so damn good at this.

how the table has turned.

he let out a gasp as he felt the smaller hand in his shorts at this rate jungkook felt he was in heaven as taehyung skillfully stroke his member through his short.

No matter how the pleasure is for jungkook he still felt something wrong and that is

"the food"jungkook shout pushing taehyung away,he gasped as he saw all the kitchen filling with smokes,he quickly run and turn the gas off and let out a breath of relief ."oh no,it's burnt"he sighed, staring sadly at his breakfast

"stupid food he ruined our moment" taehyung pout and glare at the frying pan while jungkook chuckled."really is that what you are angry about"

"of course it is,although am okay with this"he pointed at jungkook chest which filled with hickies as if he just came out of a porn movie.

jungkook eyes widened in surprised taking his own view of a body,he snapped a glare at taehyung.

"What"taehyung grinned cheekily, liking his work while jungkook sighed in defeat."nothing just give me a hand here".

meanwhile jimin has woke up and was making his way to the kitchen when he heard their bickering and giggles.

jimin smile at his two husbands it was such a domestic scene that warmed his heart which he pray and wish to be seeing everyday for the rest of his life and for that to happen he knew there is a lot of sacrifice to be made.

Don't forget to vote and comments thanks.

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