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They pulled away,taehyung looked at jimin who sat their frozen.his cheeks were red like cherries.

"wow"tae whispered breathlessly while laughing.

"that was intense"jungkook finished,still held his smile.taehyung gave him a thump up.

"that's disgusting"yoongi sneered

"as if you don't pray every day for hosoek to do that to you"jimin sassed, yoongi gasp at Jimin's blunt remark and quickly glance at hoseok who didn't object nor disagree but stared at jimin in surprise.yoongi want to dig a hole and buried himself in it,he glared at his best friend who shrugged as if nothing happened.

"I need to use the bathroom"he said and ran off,everyone in the room laughed except hoseok,he excused himself as well and ran after his soon to be boyfriend but not after he mouth"a thank you"to jimin.

"i feel like a matchmaker now"jimin mentioned seeing the two nodded in agreement.jimin laughed which made his husbands join on the chuckled as well.

"aishhh get a room please"jin scoffed and laughed with them.


"this is so beautiful"taehyung whispered.the trio were sitting side by side at the balcony in jin house since it's so late the trio decided to spend the night there,they were looking over the view before their eyes,it's really dark night tonight but the moon is out and so are the beaming stars.

"look it's the shooting star"Jimin screamed pointing towards the sky. the two boys stared at the night sky and smile watching the beautiful view in front of them.

"hey i heard if you make a wish it will come true"Jimin giggled and look at his husbands with excitement.

taehyung scoffed."you sure it's not some superstition"

Jimin pout and glare at him.

"no it's not and we are all going to make a wish wether you like it or not"he said giving him a hard look.

"jeez fine stop glaring"taehyung chuckled raising his hand in surrender while Jimin rolled his eyes,he quickly close his eyes and make a wish,he raise his head and peek over at taehyung to look at jungkook who was staring out in the space he was curious as to why the elder was so silent.tae and jimin exchanged a look as if both communicating through their eyes, they both scooped closer to him, jungkook look at them weirdly until they start tickling him making him laughed so hard while the two laughed with him.

"guys what was that"jungkook chuckled,they were laying on their back staring at the night sky.

"you are so out of it,so we thought of cheering you up a bit"jimin mentioned.

"so what could make our handsome bunny like this"taehyung stated while pretending to be in thought.

"just thinking about a wish toward a shooting star"jungkook stated,the two look at him confused.

"those things are not real"he confessed and sighed.

what is the use of a wish when it never come through.

"you are supporting taehyung too,you guys are traitor"jimin mumbled and pout.jungkook laughed and kissed the pout away and leave a pecked on taehyung lips too.

"I love you guys so much"Jimin admitted and heard his husband gasped,he looked at them but felt his
insides swirl when a spark of light filled their eyes as they look back at him,a small little galaxies scattering around their brown eyes.

"we love you too jiminie"they both said smiling and snuggled up to each other and stared at each other quietly just watching each other's feature.the trio laughed and joked till midnight before they decided to call it a day and sleep.


Kim taehyung walked into the night club both hand in pocket,he wore a tight ripped jeans revealing his curves with a red shirt and red bandana, everyone in the room mouth watered as they stared at the sexy creature lustfully,while some whistle and praying for a miracle to fuck him.

He smirked and winked seductively at them before walking to the cabin,his smile drop and turned to a blank expression as he walked through a dark corridor with dim light and the men in the corridor started bowing to him,he walked past them and make his way toward a room.when he entered he saw his client sitting on a chair sipping wine.

"I have been waiting for you kitty,you look tasty tonight"the man grinned licking his lips.taehyung walk to him and seated on his lap and wrap his hand around the man's neck and crashed their lips together.the man place his hand on his waist and pulled him closer, the man groaned when he felt the younger ass on his crotch area.

taehyung pulled away and bit his lips seductively at the man as he leaned forward.

"sorry am not in the mood"taehyung whispered to the man ear,he smirked as he slit the man throat with a knife causing him to stop breathing immediately.he wiped his hand with a napkin before he pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"the work is done father"he said coldly.

"great work son"he heard his father says before disconnecting the call.

"I hope you'll like my gifts jeon"Mr Kim said and grinned evilly.


Time flew by and they were finally back from their weekends.jimin, taehyung and jungkook were walking down the hallway with a many staring eyes of course.

"i wish they would just stop that,it's creepy me out"Jimin admitted and rolled his eyes at them.

"wae i thought you liked it before, that's a karma for you"jungkook snickered while jimin smacked him, everyone gasped at jimin behavior but more surprised when jungkook placed a kiss on his cheek.

"kook stop earning another attention" taehyung give them a fake glared and chuckled at them.

"i can't help it,he's too cute"jungkook laughed and jimin giggled.

"yeah too cute for our own good" taehyung said and pinched jimin on the cheeks.

"yah stop treating me like a kid and am not cute"Jimin pout as he rubbed his cheeks,the two giggled as they walked out from the hallway ignoring the weird look people give them.

"am so happy school is over"taehyung grinned, Jungkook rolled his eyes at him while jimin glance curiously at the distance.

"hey look at that"he said pointing towards a small crowd on the main entrance of the school.

"i think there's a fight,let's go and watch"taehyung squeel and clapped his hand like a child giving candy.

"if you go am leaving with the car"Jungkook confessed and crossed his arms,the two pout and sighed in defeat.

"wicked man"jimin mumbled before followed him.they were walking to their car when they heard a screamed coming their way.


a voice called and the three boys look back but Jungkook froze when he saw the familiar person smiling at him with a tears on her face.jungkook gasped and immediately put his hand over his mouth a fat tears sliding down his face,his two husbands watched in panicked they were about to comfort the taller but when he choked out a word they never expect, the two also froze and stared at the tiny female with a pale face in front of them.



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