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(Tw: Mention of manipulation, abuse, beating to death, killing, death)
~ spoilers obviously~ (this is all in the Rp)

Okay this is gonna have random things that I hate about the dream smp fandom. Obviously I don't hate the dream smp or every single person in the fandom, but I just wanted to say these things.

1. The people who comment on stories, videos or animations and say that Techno wouldn't be sad by Tommy's death because he doesn't care about Tommy at all.
Why are you out to make Techno some heartless monster? No he probably wouldn't break down crying but his character would at least feel some type of upsetting feeling. I think you're forgetting that even though Tommy and Techno weren't on a good page, Techno still helped Tommy. Yes Tommy then did betray him but Technos not one to absolutely hate and never forgive someone for betraying.
He never would have let Tommy stay with him if that was the case.

2. I'm all for Aus and everything but that's be realistic here. Dream is himself, he did it all himself. He's not being controlled. He has confirmed that his character is the VILLAIN. He has confirmed his character is meant to be evil. So stop acting like he isn't. Aus are cool and all but it's really annoying when every single thing is nightmare au, dream angst, and more.

3. While I understand Tommy dying Bc of a potato is funny and all. Please stop disregarding his actual death. He was beat to death by his abuser. It doesn't matter if it was by a potato, dream's bare hands, a weapon or anything else. He was still beat to death. So stop acting like it's the funniest death in the whole world. Who cares if he was killed with a potato or not, he was beat to death.

4. Tommy did not deserve his death. He killed a cat yes, but 1 that cat was his cat as he could make it sit and stand. 2. It wasn't in the plot for him to kill the cat. 3. Even if he did that doesn't give someone a right to beat him to death.

5. Dream apologists for the dream smp just why? Like why are you an apologist for an abuser, manipulator, and murderer. And don't say 'well he probably had a horrible past which is why he became like this' Bc until there is proof of that past you can't use that excuse. Also don't use the 'he wanted a united server' Bs either.

6. Every time someone doesn't want to be the hero it's not a villain arc. There's more roles in a story then hero and villain. So stop assuming that the ones who aren't heroes are immediately villains.

7. If you are a niki or jack apologist, I completely understand you like they didn't deserve everything they got. But at the same time they shouldn't be praised for blaming a kid.

Sorry for the rant, it just really pissed me off.

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