☁️Brother? ☁️

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Requested: shadow_demon0wolf
Hope I wrote it to your liking.
Tommy and foolish fluff (brothers)
Blaze Tommy! (Look at the picture for explanation of blazes in this au)
(Tw: Almost death?, spoilers for red banquet (but also very changed), it has a bit of angst sorry!!)

Tommy POV

I'm pretty sure the banquet is today but I wasn't really invited. Not that I really wanted to be but I don't have anyone to hang out with today since people are at the Red Banquet. I've recently be hanging out with Foolish and Puffy, they seem like family now. I could cause some chaos and problems but I'm not supposed to be doing that so I don't know.

I might as well spy on the eggpire, it's not like they could hate me anymore than they already do. Maybe I should change into something more spy like. Running to my house, I start to look through my closet until I find my black suit and dark red hoodie. Perfect. I put the hoodie on first and then the suit. So I'm fashionable and hidden. I put the hoodie over my head before heading to the location of the banquet.

~Slight timeskip~

This whole thing is slightly boring. I thought something would happen since it's the eggpire but nothing has happened yet. It's just them talking like nothings wrong but it's super obvious that no one feels comfortable. This whole thing sucks, I think I might just leave.

Taking one last look at them, I notice them talking and they don't seem super happy. Weird...what happened? Wait...why does bad have a sword against Foolish!? I want to run and help but I'm frozen in place. All I can hear is Puffy yelling at them and the others talking about how they have no weapons. Which was quite stupid of them.

I'm trying to pay attention to everything happening but all I can focus on is Ant stabbing Foolish. "FOOLISH!" I quickly pearled down to them. "Foolish..stay awake.." Luckily Puffy, Quackity, Purpled and Technoblade were keeping the eggpire busy. "Foolish please don't leave me you're the best big brother I could ask for." I don't know what to do..he doesn't deserve to lose a canon life.

If only I could help him but that stab wound is bad...wait maybe I can use my fire without anyone noticing... slowly I let myself transform into my blaze form and use my pink flames on him. I can feel his body healing, all I have to do is hope it's enough to fully heal him. I don't usually mess with death but I think I can make an exception this time.

Foolish seems surprised that he's not dead but I know he's probably still in pain. I can't get rid of the trauma that comes with being stabbed. I jump into his arms. "I'm so glad you're okay. Don't ever scare me like that again." Foolish smiled at that. "I'm okay thanks to you little brother."

Extra: (more into the fluff lol since I failed at writing it)

"Foolish come on let's go work on the community garden!!" I giggled slightly, running as fast as I could. After the red banquet, we've been spending even more time together and eventually decided to create the community garden. With Foolish's amazing building skills and my amazing gardening skills, this garden will be the most POG garden ever. Walking past Hannah's house, I noticed her roses are dying. Even though she is part of the eggpire now and helped plan my brothers death. It wouldn't hurt to be nice and help the flowers, I mean we used to be really good friends... I started to use my green fire on the rose bushes making them grow and become lovely again.

Arriving to the garden, Foolish and Puffy were already there. Running to hug them both, I knew I had the brightest smile on my face. "I love you guys"

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