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Story I wrote about C!Tommy for class. Also the storm is referencing to Dream

(Also this sucks so sorry)

In a town far away, there lived a boy. This boy spent his days having fun even through pain. The problem was that this boy was not ready for the storm that was coming his way. The boy wasn't ready for everything to be taken away from him. He wanted to stop the storm from coming, but it was too late. He decided to help his town and fight the storm. He studied for days to try to find out how to get the storm away from his town. Once he finally figured out how to get rid of the storm, he decided that he needed some help. So, he went around the town and asked anyone and everyone to help. He was very confused as to why they all said no. He didn't understand why they believed the storm was going to help. He had learned a lot about the storms from his studies, and the storm would bring nothing but pain. He tried to show everyone that the storm was dangerous but no-one believed him. He tried to talk to everyone and explain what he knew. Nobody would listen, though, they'd all cast him aside. They told him that he didn't know anything since he was a child. They didn't help him when he asked for it because he didn't help them. The kid started to believe that maybe they were right, that maybe the storm was good. So, he let his guard down for a bit until he noticed the change in the air. The way everyone's moods got sadder, almost like how the clouds were getting darker. He noticed how everyone was upset when normally they are happy. He decided to put an end to the storm and tried to fight it. He succeeded, but his victory was short-lived. It had been a couple of weeks since he had fought the storm when he heard the news of the storm coming back. He spent his time training again to help his family be safe from the storm, he knew he had to help even if no-one else would. He did the best he could while fighting the storm and keeping it off of the village for as long as he could. Until one day, it was the end. Not the end of the storm but the end of the boy. He felt himself lose to the storm and tried to keep fighting. The world was slowly becoming black as he felt his eyes close. Now as he looks at everything he did in his lifetime, he realized no one would remember him as a hero but instead a reckless child. He doesn't care, though, because he didn't want to be a hero, he just wanted to keep his town safe. Now his town is gone after being destroyed by the storm, and he watches his friends and family find new places to live. He watches how only five people spend their days missing him. He hopes one day they can move on and be happier. He wishes he would have been able to say goodbye but now it's too late. He stays up in the stars, watching them closely. This kid was not the hero or the main character of the story but he died so that the main character could begin his story. This kid was just a teen and had made tons of mistakes, but he fought for what he believed was right. This kid's name is Tommy, and he spent his life fighting for their lives. He fought when he had nothing and that's what made him strong.

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