🌓🐝🔫☁️Protection squad☁️🔫🐝🌓

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(Tw: mention of trauma, mention of hurting people, mention of haphephobia)
Dream smp/ real life Minecraft
Bench Trio


The second Tubbo and Ranboo realized Tommy was alive, they became protective. It started with death glares at anyone who dared to stare at Tommy for too long. It slowly came to the point where they would threaten anyone that they deemed dangerous to Tommy. They didn't care if it was someone strong like Technoblade, they still made it clear that no one was allowed to touch Tommy without getting killed or tortured.

Tommy didn't seem to notice the things they were doing and if he did he didn't say anything. He had started to get better about his haphephobia but only towards certain people. These people were Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael, Puffy and Sam Nook. He also wouldn't freak out horribly if Foolish touched him but he still didn't feel fully comfortable with him.

Ranboo and Tubbo decided to start the TommyInnit Protection Squad or TIPS. It consisted of Ranboo, Tubbo, Sam Nook, Foolish and Puffy. Tommy didn't like the idea of having a protection squad but he didn't have much of a choice in the matter. So he accepted it finally.

Tubbo and Ranboo made sure that there was always someone with Tommy. They also made sure that everyone had a water bucket, some kind of weapon, and armor for both of them in their inventory. They wouldn't show Tommy since he didn't like weapons and armor much. They just made sure to keep it on them in case Tommy was in danger. Since they knew the second someone brought out a weapon or hit him, he wouldn't fight back. He'd freeze up.

Tommy tried to pretend like he didn't notice TIPS even though he did. He liked staying with Tubbo and Ranboo most of the time and he wasn't allowed to live at his house anymore. They made him live in Michael's room which Tommy was okay with but he still wished they would stop babying him.

The protection squad made sure that no one hurt their Tommy without getting punished.
(Yes I head cannon that Tommy has haphephobia- fear of being touched. )

Also would you guys like an angst version of the protection squad?

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