💔Brother (part 2) 💔

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Part two for remmzz_
Hi!! I'm so sorry this took so long I just couldn't really figure out how to write anything. That being said though it's also not exactly what you wanted so I'm very sorry about that. I hope you still like it though!

If you haven't read Brother part one then go check that out before you read this.

This isn't really lore related at all! And is wrong in relation to lore but it's just a fanfic. :D

Tw: Mentioned Manipulation, kidnapping, anxiety, possessiveness, kinda dehumanizing in a way??, stalking, mention of keeping someone locked up

To say Tommy was frightened about Wilbur's revival would be an understatement. He was absolutely terrified. After Wilbur left the remains of L'manburg, Tommy quickly ran to Foolish's house. Whether it was luck or fate, Foolish was there and seemed to already know what was going on. "Hey...Hey Toms...calm down..I won't let him hurt you. I promise." Nodding, Tommy decided to try and speak. "Please don't let him hurt me again big brother." Foolish frowned, pulling Tommy into a hug. He repeatedly promised his little brother, the whole time while walking him safely inside. Only if they knew, someone had been watching and that someone was highly offended that he wasn't seen as Tommy's brother anymore.

He quickly decided to think of a plan, to make sure Tommy wasn't taken from him ever again. So while Foolish and Tommy watched a movie together, Wilbur was getting ready to do the thing he was best at, Manipulation. Wilbur just needed to get Tommy alone and then his plan would begin. Tommy would fall back into his arms and everything would go back to how it was supposed to be. He'd have his obedient little brother back and then he could make Tommy help with all of his plans. He would get his brother back even if it took years to do. He wanted his obedient brother back, but first he had to get Foolish out of the way somehow. He couldn't threaten or hurt Foolish, Tommy would find out someway and there goes all trust that he might have changed. So what could he do?

Foolish wouldn't give up easily so he needed to go after Tommy then. He needed Tommy to break the two's bond. There were different ways he could accomplish this, manipulating Tommy, forcing Foolish to hurt him, or even forcing Tommy to hurt Foolish. Foolish seems to be understanding, bleh disgusting, but that means having Tommy hurt Foolish is out of the question. Foolish would probably just forgive him anyways. So he needed to deal with Tommy instead. Which will be slightly difficult with Tommy avoiding him and all but he can do this. Maybe there's another way to get him back. He'll get his Toms back....no matter what.

Weeks later......

Tommy was going to the gardens today to make sure all the plants were growing well. He wanted to go with Foolish and Puffy but they were both busy. So he was going on his own, hopefully no one would come over to him. He just wanted to relax and spend time with the plants and bugs. He walked on the prime path, past his (was it really his anymore?) hotel, and the other buildings on the prime path. Finally he stopped at his destination and opened the gate to the garden. He walked into the garden and he immediately felt calm. The garden was so calming, it made him wish he could stay in here forever. Tommy quickly got to work on checking the plants. Almost all of them seemed alive and well besides the sunflowers. The sunflowers seemed to be dying. (Sunflowers...Those were h̶i̶s̶ b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶'̶s̶ Wilbur's favorites.)  Sighing, he started to use his green fire to heal the sunflowers. It took quite a bit of energy from him since they were so damaged. Tommy looked around and decided it wouldn't hurt to rest for a bit. Closing his eyes, he slowly falls asleep to the sound of the wind blowing the flowers around. He sleeps comfortably against the sunflowers.

He sleeps as someone walks close to him, he sleeps as they move his hair out of his face, he stays asleep as they pick him up, and he stays asleep as they pick a sunflower out of the ground. Tommy is still asleep as they carry him out of the garden, and then out of the l'manburg area. He's asleep whenever the person stops at a van close to Las nevadas. He continues to sleep even when the person takes him to a hidden building underneath the van. He starts to wake up a bit when he notices the smell changed from fresh air to a smoke smell. He tries to open his eyes but all he sees is darkness. Someone shushes him and rubs his back, soothing him back to sleep. "..foolish.." Is the only word that leaves his mouth before he falls back asleep. He doesn't notice how upset this makes the person that is holding him, he doesn't notice their arms tightening around him. He's set in a comfortable bed and the person leaves the room. He doesn't notice the smirk on their face or how they immediately lock the door, how could he when he is asleep. Outside of the room an insane older brother smirks, he had his Toms..and he would NEVER lose him again. Because it wasn't Foolish and Tommy....No no no it was Tommy and Wilbur. Together FOREVER. They were brothers and Wilbur would make sure that Tommy was the obedient loyal little brother again just like he used to be.

Miles and miles away, a shark totem starts to have a really bad feeling. He can only hope that it's not actually anything. He wishes that he went with Tommy to the garden but he had to deal with Bad instead. He was working to make sure his little brother was safe, soon he'd go home and be with his little brother....He just needed to finish a bit more work.

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