💔🔫My friend, my buddy.🔫💔

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(Tw: Main character death, yelling, fighting, crying, ANGST, Bad/unsympathetic Techno and Phil, could be marked as abuse)
Minecraft is real life au / dream smp

Tommy POV

I was heading to Tubbo's mansion since we had plans to hang out today. He also was gonna help me with collecting resources. Nothing much had happened today and I don't really think anything will. I do have a bad feeling though so I hope everything's okay.

~time skip {brought to you by :) }~

I finally made it to the mansion and walked inside. "TUBBO!!!" I smiled as he ran over to me, just like old times.. He seemed slightly worried though so I could only guess what was going on. "Hey Tommy..sorry to ask but have you seen Ranboo...? I haven't seen him since yesterday morning.." I shook my head. "Nope, have you tried messaging him?" Tubbo just sadly nodded.

"Don't worry Tubzo. I bet he's just a bit busy. He'll respond soon. Let's go get items to get your mind off it!" He nodded with a smile and we took off to the woods. Not aware of the trap that we were walking straight into...

It happened so quickly that my mind didn't register it at first. One sec, me and Tubbo were walking and the next I was pushed down to the ground while Tubbo was held at 'gunpoint'. (Rocket launcher)

"What the Fuck!?" I started to freak out when I noticed that Techno had Tubbo at gunpoint and Philza was standing by him. I looked at the trees and I swear I saw Ranboo. "Hullo again Tommy. You and Mr.Government here seem to be in a bit of trouble." I groaned. "Leave us alone Techno. We were just getting wood!"

Techno chuckled creepily. "Oh Tommy you just don't get it. You guys are creating another government. I'm not going to sit around and allow that to happen." I rolled my eyes. "Not everything is about you TECHNO! We aren't creating a government and Tubbo already told you that. I thought you had a least a bit of a brain in your god damn head!"

Techno pushed the rocket launcher into Tubbo's head slightly. "Stop techno! What do you want!?" Techno smirked at this and sighed. "Tommy I want no governments but you two seem to not understand that so I'm gonna give you a lesson you will understand. DONT. MESS. WITH.ME."

I froze as I saw Phil grab his sword out and bring it to Tubbo. "No please please don't hurt him!" They both smirked before a rocket went off and a sword was also plunged into Tubbo's side. "NOOOO!!!!!" As I was panicking, I realized I wasn't the only one who screamed.

Ranboo came out of hiding and ran to Tubbo. "Tubbo please don't leave me..." Techno and Phil both looked surprised at this but also didn't seem to care. They both walked off back to their house, leaving me and Ranboo crying over a dead Tubbo.

~1 week later~

Ranboo has gotten a lot closer with me after Tubbo's death. We spent every second of everyday together, mostly just sulking around. Expect for whenever, we would fix Michael. I realized Michael was one of the last things, I had of Tubbo. So I spent as much time as I could with Michael and Ranboo.

Today, Ranboo and I decided to visit Tubbo's grave and put some new flowers on it. Hopefully the bee was still there so Tubbo had company when he came back as a ghost, if he ever did.... I mean it's been a week and there's no sign of a ghost Tubbo.

When we got to the grave, we were met with two people that we never wanted to see again. Techno and Philza. "Why are you here!?" I didn't realize how scratchy my voice was until I spoke. I probably should have guessed it would've that way, I stopped talking much deciding that Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael were the only ones who could hear me talk.

They both froze slightly at my voice and turned to look at us. "We were on our way to meet up with Niki when we noticed Mr.Government got a grave that he didn't deserve." I don't really know why but that sentence was my breaking point.

"His name was TUBBO! You don't have the right to say he didn't deserve a grave because You're the one who doesn't deserve one. If you get killed, I promise you barely anyone will miss you because all you've done is hurt us! You KILLED A KID! He was a kid, I am a kid! You and your stupid hatred for governments is what ruined this server not the governments. YOU!"

They stared at me in slight shock even Ranboo.

"What's the kindest way to say You took away my friend. My buddy."

(815 words)

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