I am a C!tommy apologist

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(This is all about Dsmp characters I just don't feel like writing C! Every time)

Why do so many C!tubbo apologists hate C!Tommy?

Like yes he was rude to C!Tubbo and kinda pushed his problems away but there's multiple reasons for him to do that???

One, you do realize that's what people do to him all the time ? Like he's used to people pushing his trauma away so why should he think he's wrong to do it to Tubbo??

Also I know personally if I'm in a really depressed mood or just not doing well, I won't want to listen to my friend rant about their problems. Not Bc I don't care but Bc I can't help them if I need a lot of help too.
I assume this is the same with Tommy

I am bench trio apologist all the way
And I understand Tommy did some wrong and hasn't been the best kind of friend he could be but why are we paying attention to only Tommy doing this??

Like we're gonna pretend Tubbo didn't do the exact same thing??? Like he couldn't have actually thought after exile and staying with technoblade that Tommy was fine?? But he didn't really do much, he left to heal himself which is fine and he needed it but why are we shitting on Tommy for trying to do that same thing. Also Tommy has his moments but he's an amazing friend! He cares so much about Tubbo and Ranboo to the point it's dangerous. I wouldn't be surprised if he sacrificed himself for them.

So how about we all just accept that people can apologize for whoever they want ( - C!Dream 🖕) and you can have your own opinions but stop making other people feel bad about who they are an apologist for. Also why can't like any apologists get along for fuck sakes. Like I'm a C!bench trio apologist but I understand C!Techno apologists, and I'm an apologist for some things with him.

C!Tommy and C! Tubbo both fucked up their friendship! It wasn't a fault on one side that caused it, it was both of them.

Sorry I had to rant after seeing a stupid TikTok thread about how bad of a friend Tommy was to Tubbo.

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