🔫💔The past💔🔫

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Tommy tells some of the others about where he actually came from.

Fun fact: I actually didn't know Tommy had said they tried to create the best person ever. I only remembered him saying he was born in a lab so like I somehow was correct and I don't know how I feel about that

(Tw: Labs, Experiments, mention of torture, mention of trying to kill someone, mention of the 'perfect' person. )
No one pov

Everyone had wondered where Tommy came from, some assumed that he was related to Phil, others assumed Wilbur found him one day and took him in like Tubbo, but no one really knew the real story. So it quite intrigued them when Tommy joked about not having any family. At first they all just took it as he couldn't remember them and was an orphan now (which made Techno want to kill him.) but everyone stopped when he joked? About being born in a lab.

It had been weeks since Tommy had said that and it had reached almost everyone. People kept sharing it around to see if anyone else had any idea of where he came from. So that leads us to now, everyone stood around Tommy's house wanting answers.  Tommy was quite confused as to why they were all there and why they wanted to know about his past so badly.

Tommy POV

I sighed before agreeing to tell them. "Well to start out...I wasn't joking about the lab..um...I'm not exactly human but I'm not a hybrid..I'm more a failed experiment."
Fundy looked up at me while the rest were stuck in shock. "So are you a clone? I mean you kinda look like Phil.."

I laughed slightly. "You'd think so but nope..I'm a experiment for the perfect human...obviously that didn't work though.. I'll tell you guys the story if you'll be quiet.."

I took a deep breath, getting ready to tell my life story. "It all started one day when I became alive I guess you could say...I wasn't a baby because the scientists believed that babies were a waste of important time in a humans life span...

I spent my whole life in a small room..that could be why I'm claustrophobic actually... Um anyway...I was very close to perfect until one of the other experiments tried to escape and my fast learning made me pick up the determination they had. It continued like that for awhile, I kept picking up bad traits from the other failed experiments until the point...

Where the scientists decided it was time to get rid of me...they came in the room to kill me and I ran for it...I was frightened that they were gonna kill me so I kept running.. I ended up finding a house after hours upon hours of walking. I quickly hid in it and stole some clothes to change into...hoping it'd make me less obvious as well..

That house was Wilbur's old house....when he found me hiding he took me in and decided to treat me like a brother...I never told him where I actually had come from I just told him my parents threw me out and I found his house."

They all stared at me in shock. No one really spoke or moved until Tubbo finally looked up at me. "WHAT!? You mean to tell me that you're some kind of experiment!?"
I nodded slightly worried that he'd hate me. "Yeah...thats also why...I got attached to the discs..Whenever something was put in my hands at the lab, I was supposed to keep it protected no matter what...

that's also why I don't die as easily.. they believed the perfect human just barely had the ability to die. They also believed it could only die from unnatural causes..thats why I never drowned or died from fire...I can only die by someone else or myself.."

They all stared at me in shock and disbelief before Ranboo and Tubbo ran over to hug me. "I'm sorry that happened to you...at least it's over now.." I frowned. "It will never be over Guys..I'm sorry..but I'll always be in danger from the scientists..."


Part 2?

Words: 657

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