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"Oh, my God! You're just... wow!" He said.

"Yeah... Do I feel bad? No. Now take me home," I said with a smile. He drove me back to my place and we got out of the car.

"Which house is Ranboo's?" He asked.

"Literally the one next door." We went into my place and Dream went to my recording room and grabbed my camera and laptop.

"You still have to stream today," he said and set it up.

"I have to get my outfit on," I sighed and got in the dress and accessories. I started streaming and Dream stayed out of the view. "Hey, guys. Dream's back. Now I'm baking cookies and Mamabow isn't coming." I got everything ready then the chocolate chips and M&M's. "Hey, dude... What do you want?" I asked.

"Make half of them M&M and half chocolate chip," Dream said.

"Great. More work for me. This is gonna end up being a youtube vid. I don't care." I started and finished the batter. "Wait, do you want a cookie cake?" I asked.

"Like the ones from the pizza places?"


"Yes! That's sick! You can do that?"

"I have the pan." I got it and poured the stuff in. "Wanna lick this?" I asked. I took it to him and he cleaned it with his saliva.

"Do you think someone would pay for a bag of my saliva?" Dream asked and I broke out laughing.

"That's the weirdest question I've ever heard someone ask. Yeah. If you sell it on Ebay, you can auction it." I put everything in the oven and read chat. "Join my chat. See what people are saying and find questions," I told Dream.

"Will you ever do a face reveal?" He asked.

"Uh... Not soon."

"Do you have pets?"

"No. I don't. I've never actually had a pet."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No. When I was little, I wanted an older brother though. That was impossible though."

"Will you play minecraft later?"

"No. This is my stream of today and I'm gonna film a youtube vid later tonight. I'll be streaming through the week though back to my weekday schedule. Tuesday I'm not going to school, so I'll be on the SMP all day. Friday, I'll get back from school and take a nap then if you guys get the sub goal before then, I'll do a 24 hour stream."

"Ooh. You can stay up that long?"

"Yeah. It's like pulling an all nighter." I finished the cookie cake and showed the stream. I ended and then cut it out for Dream. I let him do whatever he wanted with it and he went to his car and came back with about 18 tupperware boxes. He put everything in them and left.

"Thanks," he said and gave me a hug before leaving.

"Mh-Hm. Bye." He left and Ranboo walked up to my door.

"I know I was supposed to have lunch with you," Ranboo said.

"Don't say sorry. I'm not mad. I'm just upset that you let her butt into today."

"I know. I'm sorry either way," he said.

"Okay. Come in," I said and he did. "Wanna make a youtube vid with me?" I asked.

"Will I need my mask and stuff for it?"


"What is it?"

"So we'll play minecraft. You control where we move, I control where we look and what we break."

"Okay. Sure," he smiled and we went to my game room. I pulled the second chair up and we started.

After the video, Ranboo went home. On Monday, we had school and I woke up early to find my car had broken down. I called Ranboo and he answered.

"Hey," he groaned, not in it.

"Hey, did I wake you?" I asked.

"A bit... What's up?"

"My car broke down. Can you give me a ride to school?"

"Mh-Hm. When you're ready, walk over," he got out and hung up. I got my stuff and went over. His mom let me in and Ranboo was asleep still. I went to his room and was quiet as I watched him sleep peacefully.

"Ranboo!" I jumped on his and he startled awake, letting out a sigh.

"Yes, very annoying friend?" He asked.

"You have to wake up or we'll be late. And I'd never let you forget it if you made me late."

"Fine. Get off me," he hit my leg and I rolled aside. I chilled on the bed and he got up, grabbed his clothes, and took a shower. He put on a black hoodie and came out ready. Ranboo sprayed some cologne before brushing his hair and grabbing his stuff. We went down and he got some cereal for breakfast.

"Are you two going to school together?" His mom asked.

"Yeah. She called me at 4 in the morning and asked if I could give her a ride," Ranboo said. "I will scream if you take pictures."

"I won't. I won't."

"You! Stop watching me eat. It's weird," he told me. I stared at him and he just ignored me. He grabbed a snack from the pantry which was a granola bar and took a bite of it. He held it out to me and I took a bite. He took the next one and let me take another. He finished it and threw the wrapper away before we left. "I'll drive better today."

"Oh, yeah. Do you have your drivers license with you this time?"

"Yes. I do." He drove perfectly and we got out at school. "Does this mean I have to take you home?"

"Yes," I said. "I actually need to go to Walmart before we get home."

"Ugh!" He said and gave me a side hug. "See you later," he said.

"Yeah," I went to my group and they watched me. "What?" I asked.

"You're hanging out with the video game boy," Carly said.

"He's nice. It's fine," I said casting a quick glance at Ranboo. We went in and got ready. We had ballet all day today and had to stay hydrated thanks to how much our teacher would work us. We got our lunch break and I walked out to find Ranboo. "Tell me you weren't watching."

"I did. And it was nice. Is that how much you've worked every day?" He asked.

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