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"I call her Angel and she hates it," Ranboo said.

"Why do you call her that?" Tubbo asked.

"I'm not the type to call someone babe or baby. It's just my personal nickname for her. Others call her Angie or something."

"Why do you hate that?" Foolish asked me.

"I don't know. I just do," I said.

"Is it something religious?"

"No. No. I'm not religious at all actually." Dream unoped me and I fell. "Dream!" He laughed and OPed me again. Foolish made an outline of the outside and started building. We threw him materials and Tubbo and Ranboo left the call. Dream, Foolish, and I talked about random dreams we had and then Karl joined.

"I grew up during 9/11, so I think my recurring nightmare is from that. It'll be a normal dream and then it ends with planes filling the sky," Karl said.

"That's freaky," Dream said.

"Yeah. You grew up in New York, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," Karl said.

"I've never been to New York. Is it nice?" I asked.

"Really? It's great! Have you ever been out of the country?"

"No. I have, um... I have PTSD from a... plane trip," I said.

"Oh, no! What happened?" Foolish asked.

"It can't be that bad..." Dream said.

"This is really personal. Um... Okay, so I was with my mom and dad. I was like, 6, okay? And so everything was normal. It was my first time going on a plane and I was sad to leave Ranboo behind. We were sad but he gave me a teddy bear to remember him by."

"Why does the teddy bear come into this?" Karl asked.

"It was fluffy. Anyways, everything was going normal. I was told great things about getting on a plane and yeah... So we got on the plane, we took off, I'm at the window seat because my mom wanted me to see us take off. We're heading to... Nevada, I think. And we're halfway through the plane ride and we're right above the Rockies, right? So I think it's all cool. Forgot notension that we're sitting closer to the back of the plane. My parents fall asleep and I look out the window. All of a sudden, I see black smoke. I wake my mom and she ignores me when I tell her something was wrong. Then a lady at the front started screaming. So, our plane wing is on fire and that fan like thing is just gone. Pieces of the plane are flying below. We're still on top of the Rockies. There's no fucking airport to land at. The oxygen masks are out, I'm crying, everyone's screaming."

"You were 6?" Foolish asked.

"Yes. So, the pilot is panicking too. That's just fucked up because he's supposed to calm us down. And so-so he has no choice but to try and land on the highway. He can't. We go through a bridge and we can't stop. I'm looking out the window and what do I see? A fucking cliff. Long story short, we estoppel and I had PTSD, so we had to take any transportation other than a plane to get home." There was silence.

"That's fucked. So... nice house Foolish," Dream said and I laughed. We ended soon and Dream called me. "I'm sorry if that was mean. I was joking. Didn't mean to take it far. I know it's traumatising and shit."

"It's fine. Honestly. I don't talk to people about that though," I said.

"I won't tell anyone," Dream said.

"I mean, it's out in public now." We talked and I then slept. In the morning, I went down and Ranboo was awake. It was the weekend and I had to join some chat with Minx and some others.

"Hey, Angel," Ranboo said.

"Hi," I said.

"I call you angel because you're one of the kindest people I've met. And I never hang out with you. I said I'd spend time with you and I didn't. But I will this weekend. I have a thing today, but we can hang out after."

"Okay," I nodded. I went up and joined the call. It was just the prep so no one was streaming.

"So we all need our cams on," Jack said. We turned them on, but Dream and Corpse didn't. Ranboo had his cam on with his accessories, but I forgot and just put my cam on. I immediately turned it off and Minx gasped.

"Rain, turn your camera back on, cutie," she said with a smile. I did and she stared at me. "You're gorgeous."

"Okay, hi, this is her boyfriend speaking," Ranboo said and everyone laughed. I put my stuff on and they streamed on a main channel.

"Okay, so Minx, you got upset when someone teased you about something," Weston said.

"Yeah. I don't want to elaborate," she said. "Sweet Angelica, would you like to explain something?"

"I mean, she told me about this and I told her my side. So we both have a bunch of guy friends. And I have a friend group where we can all joke with each other. Like, Ranboo. He's my boyfriend and Dream is one of my best friends. Yesterday, I told a story about how I have PTSD from something and he made a whole joke about it and I was completely fine with it. Why? Because we're close. But I then have other people coming to me when we're playing games or just chatting. They'll watch and listen to what Dream or my other friends say to me and start saying shit like that. And that bothers me. They're not so close to me. And these are more specifically guys who do this," I said.

"Oh. Sorry if I've done anything. I know I said some stuff..." Corpse said.

"No. That's okay. Because you're not rude about anything. That's the thing. You can say stuff to me because you immediately say you're joking after it. You're one of the rare guys who respect women because you do. Not like other content creators who have a reputation so they have to respect women. You're just a genuinely nice guy."

"And what about physical touching and stuff?"

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