3. The Tension

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The Tension:
"What?" JJ asks Santana confusingly. He closed the heavy door behind him and cautiously approached Santana and me but far enough to keep his distance from me.

I turned my whole body around to face Santana as soon as I heard his voice enter into my ears. Santana's drunken eyes met mine, communicating with one another. My dark hazel eyes begged for her to change her mind, for them to take back the offer and forget about it, but her brown eyes kept refusing.

Santana diverts her attention back on JJ; thus, a slight smirk appears on her face. "I said, d-do you want an r-r-ride home?" Santana stammers, making the terrible tension in the room increase.

"...Um," JJ hesitates. I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head, probably waiting for me to answer or comment, but the thing is that I couldn't move or make a sound. I feel like if I moved or talked, I might make things worse than they already are.

The embarrassment and the awkwardness in the room make my face display different shades of red. I couldn't bear facing JJ, especially after what just happened in the driveway. I wish that situation would've never happened in the first place; now it's slightly uncomfortable being in the same room with him.

I tried to catch Santana's sight, hoping she'd glance back, but she kept her focus towards JJ, leaving me hopelessly quiet.

"Hellooo?" She waves her hand rapidly at JJ, "Answer the f-fucking question, Maybank," Santana demands hastily. Her legs started trembling, which made her grab onto the bookshelves shelves sharply to keep her balance.

JJ raises one of his eyebrows, "Now why would you, out of everyone, want to drive me home? Assuming that you, Tana, are drunk as fuck."

Santana's intoxicated eyes smirked at me for a moment, making my face exhibiting various shades of red before returning them onto JJ's.

"I-I-I'm not driving, dumbass; Mer is." She points her finger at me, creating heat at the back of my neck.

I was fucking anxious about where she's going with this, but it's Santana. You can never expect what she'll do next.

JJ develops a bewildered expression, "Wait, why are you, or I mean...why is she offering me a ride? I can go with the guys-."

"I didn't offer-." I jeer, but before I could finish, Santana slices my sentence off.

"Cause Meredith wants to ride you-" Santana hiccups, "I mean....ride with y-you and getting t-t-to know you better," she makes a barfly smile at JJ. I flutter my eyes, surprised and mortified at what she just said while sweat percolates down my neck.


"Right, amiga?" Santana blurts out, facing my direction. She started to develop a vast grin on her face, "Don't you want to know him better?"


"Hold up," Santana slowly lets go of the bookshelves shelves, "I need to have a little chat with the crew; I'll be right back."

Just like that, Santana turns around and gradually stumbles her way towards the kitchen. Leaving the two of us alone together, making the room echo the noisy silence between JJ and me. I couldn't hold it together anymore. I feel like I was deliberately dying from an agonizing death.

JJ clears his throat and cracks his knuckles hard. He was possibly trying to diffuse the silence that is constructing between us. I roll my eyes as I slowly wander my sight towards him. JJ shoots his eyes at the polished marble floor quickly as soon as I place my eyes on him.

There is one aspect that I had a pet peeve for, and it's not clearing the atmosphere with people. I wouldn't say I like having this weird, disturbing tension between us, mostly when we just met each other. I want to get to know him better; I crave connections with society, even after the Topper incident.

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