8. The Truth That Didn't Set Me Free

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The Truth That Didn't Set Me Free:

Not breaking lip contact, Topper gently laid me down onto his bed, touching the soft sheets on my uncovered skin. I run my fingers through his blonde hair as he stokes my brown hair softly. I break away, admiring every facial feature that he had, making me smile. How could anyone be so perfect?

"What are you smiling at, Starlight?" Topper teased, staring intensely into my dark eyes.

I giggled, "Is that supposed to be a question? You who else?" I outline the side of his jaw with my finger, feeling his soft skin touching mine, "It'll always be you, Top."

Topper's face softens as he stares at me in awe, "You have no idea how much I'm in love with you Mer," He kisses my forehead, then looks back down at me, "I love you so much; Starlight." Topper doves down to kiss my neck passionately.

My heart fluttered every time he said those words. It was as if they had magic in them and would warm up my insides every time. Is this what genuinely being in love feels like? Because if that were the case, I wouldn't dream of leaving him.

It was kind of perfect. I trusted Topper with everything in me; I knew he'd never hurt me. We've been dating for so long, and not once did he ever betray me or lied to me, or ever made me feel pain. Topper will always be good for me. I loved him more than I've ever thought I would love anyone.

Accidently drifting my eyes to Topper's desk, I saw his black camera flashing a small red light. A weird surge of uneasiness enters into my bloodstream, flowing all over my body. I glare at the camera as if it had some meaning behind it. A familiar feeling in my gut starts up as it curled my insides.

"Topper, " I raised his head for him to meet my gaze, "Your camera is flashing, and it's bothering me, like I know it's not a big deal, " I glimpse at the camera, "But do you think you could move it?"

Topper slowly turns his head to peek at the camera. He stares at it for a few seconds before glancing back at me with a weird look on his face, as if I wasn't supposed to see it.

"Why?" Topper asked with a little bit of irritation in his voice, "What's wrong with it?"

I gulped, "Nothing's wrong with it, it's just-."

"It's just what?" Topper oddly snapped.

I let out a shuttered breath, confused as to why he was reacting like this. I stare at him, bewildered and speechless on his comeback response.

Topper's strange attitude broke the mood that we were just in. I sat up and faced him, "It's fine, " I said as I grabbed my shirt from the floor and placed it over my head as I slid off  Topper's bed, "Forget I said anything."

"No wait, Star, " Topper jerked my arm gently, pulling me towards him, "Don't leave."

"It's fine, " I assured, "I have to leave anyways before it gets dark, and I don't want to worry my parents." I snatched my shorts from the floor and slid my legs into the holes.

"Wait, I'll drive you, " Topper offered as he gets out of bed and follows behind me. He slipped on his shorts and tossed on a tank.

Topper's request scared the hell out of me. If he drove me to my house, Topper would soon find out that I live in the cut. Meaning he'll know I'm not a Kook.

"No, no, " I said calmly, trying to hide the panic in my voice, "It's fine, you don't have to do that." 

Out of nowhere, Topper's bedroom door swung up to reveal a girl was entering. She had black straight hair spread on her shoulders perfectly, with mysterious dark almond eyes that made light bounce off them. Her pink lips shined with gloss as her expensive lace top and jeggings outlined her curvy body flawlessly.

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