11. The Three Words

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The Three Words:

I was paralyzed. I couldn't move a muscle even if I wanted to. The shock and horror had taken over my body, possessing over every word that infiltrated into my ears. I begged the universe to make me hallucinate the callous hands on my body, praying this was a mind game my brain decided to play.

I send panic eyes towards Sarah and Santana as they gave the person behind me death stares. I gaze my eyes towards John B, Kie, and Pope as they gave discomforting faces towards the person. But JJ...he had a different expression.

It was as if anger filled his veins and clouded his eyes with colors of rage. But at the same time, JJ had another emotion plastered on his face. I couldn't tell for sure, it was as though he was...terrified? Or...nervous? But why would he be nervous? Or terrified?

My head was deliberately slaughtering all the calmness and happiness I had before while dancing, as apprehensive emotions came wandering in.

"Aren't you going to say anything...Starlight?" The figure whispered once more in the ear. With every strength in me, I slowly release from their grasp and turned around, petrified as fuck on who it was. Fully turning around, I encounter the tall figure with deep blue eyes and slick blonde hair pushed to the side.

Topper. Motherfucking. Thornton.

There I was, frozen with terror, staring disbelievingly at those utterly cruel eyes of his. I realized this was the first time I've seen him since the whole fucking situation. The audacity he had to call him that ridiculous name after what he did.

"Get your nasty monkey-looking hands off her, " Santana growled, "Before I fuck you up, Kook." I hear footsteps coming behind me and felt her hand tugging me away from Topper.

Topper mockingly chuckles at her threat, "I'd like to see you try, Pogue."

"Hey!" Sarah snaps as she walks closer to Topper, "What the hell is your problem? The nerve you have to scroll here as if nothing happened."

"Oh for fuck sake, you're here too?" Topper sneered, "You know why don't you fuck off to your skank  boyfriend and stay out of this Sarah, ok?"

John B strolls up to take the space between Topper and Sarah, giving him dirty threatening looks, "Go home, Topper, no one wants you here."

"Guys, can we not do this here?" Pope begs, "There's a lot of people here right now, we shouldn't draw attention towards us."

"Just stay out of this Pope, " Kie advises, "If anything goes too crazy, we'll shut it down."

Topper and John B both stare intensely at each other before Topper broke the fierce silence that was constructed between them both, "I'll be happy to leave, but I need to talk to Meredith first, " He shrugged with attitude, "So if you would please get out of the fucking way, I would appreciate that."

"Oh hell no!" Sarah and Santana yelled in unison, as they pulled me behind them so they would block Topper's way towards me.

He starts walking towards me but was blocked by John B and Pope, warning him to stop. "No! I'm not going anywhere without talking to her! Star, please!" Topper's voice booms with anger as he tried walking toward my direction, but kept being shoved away by John B and Pope, "Don't fucking touch me with your filthy ass hands."

"Does it look like she wants to talk to you bro?" JJ finally steps in as his voice was full of hostility, "Just stop fucking embarrassing yourself dude, and get your ass outta here."

Topper motioned his eyes on JJ, surprised by his defense. He pushed his torso away from the boys but kept a sharp gaze on JJ. Topper lets out an unbelievable scoff at JJ, "Wow, finally, he speaks, you know I was wondering when you were gonna open that big mouth of yours, but I assumed your tongue was bruised after giving head to-."

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