12. The Beauty of Torture

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Not my dumbass forgetting to put the three characters in but yeah those are the lovely ladies playing their roles as the rest of the characters from the show are themselves.

Also Author's note: Remember this story takes place as if The Royal Merchant never existed, meaning John B's dad, Big John, wouldn't have disappeared in this story.

The Beauty of Torture:

Flocks of people were scattered around the beach, hundreds of different faces shuffling left and right, kicking the cold sand underneath them. I search around for that presumptuous blonde, hoping he would be around since he stupidly wandered off angry.

What's so bad about what I said? Does he not want to be friends with me? Did I misapprehend the mood that's been constructed between us? We haven't done anything serious and I'd like to keep it like that. I don't want to take things too far like committing to serious activities with JJ.

I'm too humiliated and disgusted with myself for that type of action.

Plus, I barely knew what JJ was capable of. What if he's just like Topper? What if JJ pretends to be trustworthy, to persuade his way through my legs with this fraudulent personality he might've expressed?

Across the distance, near another heavy bonfire that was close to one of the bathrooms stood two people, one blonde boy, and one red-headed girl getting touchy with one another. I squinted my eyes and walked a little bit closer to try and focus on who they were.

It was JJ, caressing the girl's arms slowly and seductively. The girl came a little closer to his body as she had her arms around his muscular torso, raising her hands underneath the back of his shirt. JJ tucks a hair behind her ear and whispers something. It must've been something flirty...or filthy, assuming the girl was biting her lips and moving her hands towards the waistband of his pants.

JJ licks his lips and bites them, shifting his eyes down towards where her hand was gestured. He looks up to meet her eyes and says something that makes the ginger blush and giggle.

An odd nauseating feeling occurred in my stomach as I watched them both giggling and chuckling at each other while placing their hands on each other. I couldn't acknowledge why I was reacting like this, but watching them made me extremely sick.

For a slight second, JJ caught a glimpse of my presence, his sky-blue eyes drifting from her to me from the far distance to see if he saw me right. His smile gradually faded away from his face. I inhaled a deep shuttered breath as JJ gave me a sore glance in return.

Seconds later, the girl confidently drags JJ from his neck and crashes her lips on his. He and I were both surprised by the ginger's action, but JJ kept his sharp eyes on me while letting her kiss his lips. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue into hers, licking her taste.

The sickening feeling grew stronger as he watched me, watching them kiss each other's lips and licking each other's tongues. I raise my nails to my mouth and start biting on them, making an effort to hide the weird perception of hatred that was soaring inside me.

But a peculiar sinful feeling trickled on the high part of my inner thighs as I watched JJ's tongue travel around the red-haired girl's lips. Her mouth glistened from the light of the roaring fire beside them. I bit deeper into my nails, urging myself to stay calm.

JJ didn't dare take those majestic eyes off me. A small smile was formed while motioning his lips to switch kissing positions. He knew this was affecting me, and he knew he had this inexplicable ability to make me react this way.

Footsteps disrupt my unusual sentiments, providing me to divert my attention towards the sound. I turn my head behind me to see John B walking up to me with a concerned look.

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