9. The Sensation

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The Sensation:


"Just tell me the truth Mer, " Santana shouts out of her bathroom, "What the hell is going on between you and JJ?"

"Nothing!" I shouted back from the kitchen while placing beers into the cooler, "Nothing major has happened, it's not a big deal."

I heard the bathroom door creak open as Santana exits and approached the kitchen. She is dressed with a white tank top, covered with an oversized light jacket with some ripped jeans, "Ha, so something did happen, bitch you better spill the details, " Santana demanded.

I rolled my eyes, "It's nothing really, we're just having fun with each other, that's all." I counted the beers in the cooler as Santana grumbled at my statement.

" 'Miga if you think I'm fucking blind and slow to catch the tension that builds between you guys, I'm going to feel attacked," Santana crosses her arms together as she stared me down, "So you mean to tell me that the hickeys on your neck and JJ's hand on your thigh meant nothing? That's bullshit Mer, and you know it."

I groan at her words, "Stop being dramatic Tana, we're just teasing each other, it's not like we're going to start dating and shit." For some peculiar reason, my heart somehow gets sensitive from those terms and crumbles a little.

My plan wasn't to date JJ. My plan wasn't to date at all.

However, I can't seem to refute that Santana wasn't wrong. There was tension between JJ and me, and it scared the hell out of me knowing that we met yesterday. It's crazy how a person you didn't know existed, change your whole complexion overnight.


I packed some more beers into the cooler and sealed the top. I positioned it down onto the ground and perked up to see Santana's brows furrowed with a small frown on her face. "What?" I asked, straightening my posture and crossing my arms together, "Why are you looking concerned all of a sudden?"

"I just-, " Santana paused and muttered to herself, "I can't fucking believe I'm saying this, " Then spoke a little louder to address back to me, "I just hope you don't commit anything serious with him, I mean, do what you want but according to Kie, he had a rough past relationship-."

"And I didn't?" I raised my voice a little, making Santana look taken back. Her eyes were widened and her lips were parted, surprised by my tone. I let out a heavy breath, suddenly feeling bad.

"I'm sorry, Tana, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I've just been frustrated lately, " I admitted, "I've been having breakdowns and messy thoughts clouding my head, and fuck! Did I tell you I even fucking cried in front of JJ?!" I formed a nervous laugh while my brain projects the embarrassment from the car ride with JJ in my head, making my skin crawl.

"Do you know how embarrassing that is? I can't be my fucking self anymore. Hell, I even yelled at him inside of the car when he wanted to check up on me, " I rambled uncontrollably, realizing that my whole body started to tremble, "Why the hell do I overthink so fucking much? Santana, I can't be myself again, I can't-."

I was having an anxiety attack again. I was placing all of my pain on Santana and I couldn't stop. My breathing pace heightened as my palms began to get sweaty. I hated having attacks in front of people, even if it's just my best friend, it confirms that I'm weak and unstable.

Santana pouts at me, as she starts stepping towards me, and wrapped her hands around my body, "Mer, cálmate 'miga, you're losing it, " Santana hugged me tighter, bringing me to bury my head on her shoulders, "Breath, Nena, " She instructed, "Deep breaths in, deep breaths out."

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