20. The Silent Hand Treatment

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No like...for real

The Silent Hand Treatment:
♡︎♡︎♡︎ᗰᗴᖇᗴᗪITᕼ'ᔕ ᑭOᐯ♡︎♡︎♡︎

The first thing I noticed was that JJ had no shirt on. He sat in the backseat of the car while Pope and Santana were riding in the front. The memory of that night when his shirtless body was touching and gliding with my clothed one and the remembrance of how his hardness brushed against my lower stomach sent an annoying aching pulse to occur down below.

My mind kept rewinding the way JJ's hands rubbed the sides of my body and the way they grasped onto my hips, turning me around and pressing his bulge against my ass. Envisioning more about wanting that desperate obscene intention sent sparks of trickling heat between my legs.

Now I had two heartbeats racing through my body.

Urgently begging myself to hold back from deeply fantasizing about pure unholy cravings and filthy desires, I replace my attention with Santana and Pope. After fully taking control over myself, I rose from the steps and walked down to the car, to direct myself towards Santana's side. I couldn't see very well with the slightly tinted windows, but I saw her mouth move, giving the boys a look at what seemed to be some form of a warning. JJ was staring into space while Pope spoke to Santana, looking a little anxious.

I pinch my brows together, puzzled and curious about what could've happened in that car. I hope it's not anything too troubling. Besides feeling...needy, I'm glad JJ's back. It's been a week since our last encounter, none of us haven't heard from him since and we all grew worried for him. Including myself. I wonder where JJ has been all this time. I imagined it would be at his house, but Kie became a little secretive about the subject when I asked. Kie said that she was certain JJ wasn't at his house but never said why.

I inhale the misty air, feeling the coolness entering my nose and exhaling the heat out of it. Striving not to make eye contact with JJ, I tap Santana's window to get her attention and it weirdly startled her. She glimpsed at me and then shifted her gaze to the dashboard. I heard Pope flip off the engine and slowly open the car door, which makes the car lights switch on from the inside.

For some reason, my heart and stomach sank as soon as I laid eyes on him. Fuck, those blue eyes of his do things to me more than they should. And I hated them for it.

JJ pulled the handle from the inside and opened the car door for him to slide out. I backed up for Santana to swing her door and for her to crawl out. I cross my arms together and rub them to ease the goosebumps that were forming on my skin. "Hola 'miga, " Santana greeted with a breath, "How are you holding up?"

I greeted her back with a smile, "I'm fine, Kie dropped me off before driving off to her house, " My heart slams against my ribs as the reminder of Kiara's dad and what happened at The Wreck storms over me like poisonous rain, "You'll...you'll never guess who visited me today at The Wreck."

Santana arched a brow as she placed her hands on her hips, "Oh yeah, the job interview with Kie's parents, I forgot you had that, who did?"

Irritation floods through my veins just by thinking about his name. "Topper, " I grumbled angrily at his name which made Santana and the boys exchange worried looks with each other, "He came in the restaurant and hugged me as if the incident at the party didn't happen-."

"He touched you, Mer?" JJ's voice becomes harsh in seconds, which to be honest, startled me a little since it's been a few days since I've heard his voice, "He touched you...without your consent?" JJ said that last word through his teeth, sounding out the letter T very sharply.

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