23. The Shoulder to Moan on

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The Shoulder to Moan on:

It's been two days since that moment in my bedroom. My legs have been trembling every time I remember JJ's face appearing between my thighs. I felt my body being on fire once I remembered how incredible it felt when JJ was eating me out. I couldn't get over how overwhelming it felt when that pleasure that I've been seeking for so long completely devoured me whole.

I never knew how much I needed this until JJ showed up yesterday. And the way he was gentle with me and asking for consent made me feel calm and safe inside. It's crazy how men like him exist, and it's terrifying how attractive that is.

Fuck, I can't stop thinking about it. I wanted more, I needed more. After all this time, after all of this denying and shaming that I put on myself, it was time to put that past me. It may not disappear from me forever, but the only way I could be okay is if I keep on moving forward. I knew that there is going to be a day where I tell JJ why it took me so long to finally be okay with this. But for now, I like to think that JJ doesn't see me as a Pogue Whore who records herself sleeping with Kooks. And I like the way that he doesn't know about it too because it'll make JJ see me as me, not what other people say about me.

I look out the window watching the light of the sun slowly disappear into the darkness. For two days, I've kept on glimpsing at the window wondering when JJ's going to pop up. But I couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't be a normal person and just go through the front door. I know Santana wouldn't mind, considering she's the very one who's encouraging me to sleep with him. I yawn as my exhaustion takes over due to the lack of sleep from the past two days.

A knock on my bedroom door catches my attention. "Meredith?" A voice calls my name softly, "Is it okay if I come in?" I smile as I walk to the door and unlock it to see Mrs. Venderá in the doorway. "Hola amor, how are you holding up? Has these past couple of days been flowing easily for you?" Santana's mother looked exactly like her except Santana has short curly hair while Mrs. Venderá has long straight hair. I didn't answer her right away. Instead, I grabbed her soft hands and pulled her into an embrace, laying my head on her chest. The smell of cotton candy perfume fills me up inside, making me feel warm. "Aww..." She said with a small laugh as she hugged me back. She raises one hand to caress the top of my head smoothly, "So is that a yes?"

I shrug as I let go of her, "It hasn't been great, but...it hasn't been awful either." I blush as the memory of JJ floods my mind again. I couldn't bring myself to look at her in the eyes as those curls of heat crept on my skin. I felt my legs trembling again from the remembrance of that day. I could still feel his wet tongue gliding and sucking on my-.

"Meredith? ¿Estás bien Mija? You seem distracted," Mrs. Venderá interrupts the dirty thoughts that are overrunning in my brain. "Santana had the same facial expression when she came back from The Wreck two days ago," Mrs. Venderá looks behind her to make sure no one was around and whispers back at me, "She thinks I have no idea her and that boy were hanging out here late at night the other day, she's lucky I'm too tired to beat her ass."

I giggled at the threat, "Don't worry, Mrs. Venderá," I assured her, "That boy isn't trouble at all, I'm friends with him as well, so there's no need to stress, I promise he's a good one."

"Hmm...well never mind that, but since you have the same expression that she did, does that mean there's someone else who makes you smile like that?" She arches a brow as a grin appears on her lips. It's like she ordered me to smile and I had to obey because the moment she said the word smile, that's what I did. I tried to stretch my mouth out so that I would stop, but I couldn't. Mrs. Venderá laughs with her mouth closed, "Aye Mija, I haven't seen you smile since..." She stops to sigh before proceeding, "Well, since Topper."

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