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- będziemy się bawić w takie memy, bo hej, to odprężające i przyjemnie luźne, a mnie pozwoli poczuć te charaktery
lecimy po nazwiskach, do obsady z poprzednich rozdziałów dodajemy jeszcze państwa Schumann (Klara jeszcze z nazwiskiem panieńskim), George Sand i Celinę Szymanowską

"Where do babies come from?"

» sits down and takes their time to explain it: Sand, Lipiński

» awkwardly slutters something you don't understand: Słowacki

» "why the fuck would you ask me": Norwid, Berlioz, Schumann

» "the stork": Mickiewicz, Mendellsohn

» smiles and pets your head "you will understand when you're old enough": Liszt, Krasiński, Wieck

» "sex, you dumbass": Paganini

» the ones who ask: Chopin, Szymanowska

Gets the Rubik's cube:

» tries to solve the cube: Mendellsohn

» gives cube to someone else: Słowacki, Schumann

» destroys the cube: Mickiewicz

» sets cube on fire: Norwid, Paganini

» looks for help with solving cube: Chopin, Wieck

» consumes the cube (now they're oneness): Berlioz

» tells the cube to solve itself: Liszt, Sand

» touches the cube and it solves itself: Lipiński

» accepts the cube as what it is: Krasiński, Szymanowska

At the museum:

» goes through every section, reads every label, wants to stay till closing: Słowacki, Wieck

» giggles and points every time they see someone naked: Berlioz, Schumann

» power walks to the sections they find interesting, leaves after an hour: Chopin

» takes selfies next to everything, forces friends to recreate poses: Krasiński, Szymanowska

» gets excited every time they see a dog: Liszt, Mendellsohn

» doesn't care about the art, gets drunk in the museum cafe: Mickiewicz, Sand

» is forcibly removed by security for trying to lick the paintings: Paganini

» the guy who forcibly removes people: Norwid, Lipiński

With a new plant:

» "omg i love you already let me introduce you to my other plants, Luke, Agnes, Stacy...": Liszt, Słowacki, Szymanowska

» forgets about plants within five seconds, plant withers away and dies: Krasiński, Schumann

» dissects the plant for study, forgets how to re-assemble it: Lipiński, Sand

» "i command you to grow, you insignificant seedling": Mickiewicz, Norwid, Paganini

» a dutiful plant parent: Chopin, Wieck

Take care of your mental health -

» talk about your feelings: Chopin

» keep active: Krasiński, Wieck

» eat a potato: Schumann

» recite a dark spell: Mickiewicz

» throw your phone in the lake: Liszt, Paganini

» kiss a bird gently: Szymanowska

» scowl: Lipiński, Sand

» make fun of someone you don't like: Słowacki

» lie down in the dirt and let the earth slowly reclaim you: Norwid

𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐨 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐲𝐤𝐚𝐜𝐡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz