ch 1: goodbyes (updated)

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I sprung up with tears running down my face, drenched in a pool of sweat.
The same tiring dream had been reoccurring for almost two weeks now. A soft knock on my door cleared my dark thoughts.

"Alison, sweetheart if you're wanting to see your friends before we leave you'd better go now."
"Okay mom."

We were moving to Australia; which I hadn't been very happy about seeing as I'm leaving everything I knew here in New York. Setting aside my feelings, I knew this was the best choice for my mom. There was always the bright side that'd I'd never have to see him again.


Around 3:17 I had finished putting everything in the truck that would be shipped over to Australia. I only had a bit of time to go see my friends so I hurried as fast as my little legs could carry me.

Lilly lived only a block down from me and has been my best friend since we were in preschool. A long time I know but it was well worth all the cat fights and boy drama. As I reached the steps her front door sprung open. Her blonde hair drenched me as she held me tight. Lilly had to be the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, as if she was something you'd see out of a magazine.

"Alibear, ugh im gonna miss you."

Her eyes slowly filled with tears and I could feel that mine soon would be too.

"I'm going to miss you too with my whole heart."
"Promise you'll call."
"Alex is on his way over so don't leave too soon. We both need to see you to make up for the time you'll be gone," she said with a frown.

"Stop before I ruin my mascara
"As if you need any makeup Ali. Alsoooo if you see any cute boys, try and talk to them for me?"
"I'll try my best, idiot."

She stared at me smiling, I the same to her. Her eyes got wide and in a sing songy voice she went-

"Oh! I almost forgot I got you a going away present,"
"You didn't have to."
"I know I didn't have to dummy, I wanted to."

She ran towards the closet and grabbed out a large gift.

"Here you go!"
"Oh my god Lilly you got me a brand new guitar?"
"Yep I really hope you like it and it's the right one cause I was so confused when I walked into that music store."

I ugly cried with her for a bit longer before an old beat up ford pulled up.

"Look who's finally here."

Lilly placed her hands on her hips as Alex jumped out of his car.

"I made it didn't I? Hey Alison," he gripped me in a bear hug.
"Hi Alex."
"I got you a little something."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Lilly.
"Ugh what is it with everyone getting me gifts?"
"Hush it's just something to remember me by, brat."

He dug through his back pocket and pulled out a box.

"Alex you really shouldn't have."

It was a beautiful little heart shaped locket with a picture of all three of us inside

"What can I say I'm a pleaser. Plus I'm gonna miss my Alibear."

He cooed at me and pinched my cheeks.
"Shut up," I said as I punched him in his arm.

"Ow! Lilly call 911 I think she broke my arm."
"Shut up- look you made her cry aww."

they grouped hugged me while I cried onto both their shirts.

"You and Lilly have been the highlight of my life. Plus I'm going to really miss calling you at 2 o'clock in the morning to run and get McDonalds."
"I don't think my wallet will miss that but I love you Ali."

"Promise we won't loose touch?" Lilly said in a sort of worried voice.

"Don't worry I'll Skype you guys everyday," my voice started breaking a little.
"You should get going, love. You don't wanna miss your flight."

I could tell Lilly didnt want me to leave and neither did alex. I'm one hundred percent sure that if I spoke the whole earth would've flooded with my tears. So I waved goodbye and gave them one last hug.

I walked up to my room and said my goodbyes.

"Alison come on the cab is here."

Soon the tears started coming.
This was where Lilly and I had our first sleepover.
Where Alex taught me how to play guitar. Where I took my first steps. Where I did well my first everything.I will never forget this house.

We passed through building after building and it was still so scary to me this would be the last time I'd see any of them. My headphones blasted All Time Low to keep my saddening thoughts awayGoodbye New York I will never forget the memories I made here. I wonder what Australia will bring.

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