ch 4: friends? (updated)

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Michael was coming over in five minutes and I'd never had anyone other than Luke at my house so I was furiously cleaning. Luke sat in the kitchen eating pizza my mom made before leaving to go grocery shopping. She went shopping often because Luke ate almost all our food.

"Ya know you're stressing out so much I'm starting to believe this is a date."
"Shut up, Hemmings and eat your pizza."

As he stuffed his face he winked and I rolled my eyes.


"Ali your boyfriends here!"
"Pizza, Hemmings, pizza."

I ran to the door to let in Michael.

"Hey Michaelllll."
"Urm hey."

"Hi michael!"
"What is Luke doing here?"
"Nice to see you too."
"He's the vocals of our YouTube channel we have and we were going to record afterwards."
"Oh okay you know I can just come back another time."

"Nonsense, Michael. You won't even know I'm here," he flung his arm over Michaels shoulder and lead him inside.
"Piss off."

Great they're already getting along. Michael eemed kind of disappointed which made me feel sort of bad. Did he like me? No he can't he's just a friend and we only just met what is this some kind of romcom?

After a few minutes of standing there awkwardly Luke, Michael, and I went to my room.

"So how long have you lived here?" Michael asked.
"My mom and I moved here about a month ago."
"Oh cool."

We sat down and Luke got on my computer to look at our YouTube channel.

"So we can start off with the basics."

I showed him how to hold it then I strummed a couple cords and had Michael repeat.
We did this for a while till I thought we were ready to do a song.

"Wow you're actually really good at this ."
"Really you think?"
"Yeah I think we should play the good ol Smoke On The Water. So start wit-"

"Alison!" Luke interrupted.
"What happened?" I said as I ran over to Luke.
"We have 200 subscribers."
"No way!"

"They are commenting, liking, and sharing. Holy balls Ali this is crazy!"

"Wow," Michael said as he got up to look at the computer too.
"We should post now so we can thank them."
"Good idea how about a Blink song and we can-"
"Ahhm," Michael coughed.
"Oh Michael I."

"No it's fine you and Luke are doing more important things."
"Come on Michael you can stay."
"I'll show myself out."

"Michael just sit back down you know you're not leaving," said Luke.
"How about Michael, you can play guitar with me? Oh do you sing?"
"Just a little but I don't know if I'm good."
"You'll be fine," I tried to be reassuring.

It took a while for Luke to get the web cam up and running but he did. While luke was getting ready I walked Michael through the cords to If It Means A Lot To You. After a little bit more work luke finally started the intro like usual.

"Hey guys I'm Michael, this is Luke. Wait no I'm Luke, thats Michael, and ths Alison."

Michael and I tried our best to contain our laughs.

"So recently we hit 200 subscribers and that's amazing so we're actually going to play a highly requested song."
"Yep, thanks so much guys!"

I thought it was really cool to have Michael sing with us.

"Did I do good?"asked Michael.
"You were great," I said.
"Yeah you actually were."
"Thanks guys."
"So what do you guys want to do now?" I asked.

"We can invite Calum over and he can hang out with us, if that's okay?" asked Michael.
"Sure Calums pretty cool."
"Okay I'll call him."

Michael walked downstairs to the phone.

"Are you having fun?" I asked Luke.
"Yeah why?"
"It's just I didn't know because you said you don't like Michael and all."
"Yeah it's fine if he's your boyfriend I'll learn to like him like I like you."
"Hemmings you little-."

"Calum said he'll be over in 10 minutes!" Michael shouted from downstairs.

Luke smirked so I lightly smacked him and raced down the stairs.

"Okay, do you guys want anything to eat?"
"Pizza!" they both said together.
"Sure I have some left over in the kitchen. That is assuming Lucas didn't eat it all."
"Promise I saved two extra slices."
"A modern day Casanova."

Sadly Luke did really leave two slices so I had the boys help me cook another as I knew it would be awkward for them to sit together in scilence. The doorbell rang just as the pizza was about done.

"Mike can you grab the door?"
"Sure thing."

He put down the packet of shredded cheese he'd been munching on and raced to the door. I stepped out of the kitchen just as Michael was running back in to help luke

"Don't worry ladies the party has arrived."

I looked behind Calum in confusion.

"Is he still outside?" this made the other boys laugh from the other room.

"Very funny."
"Michael and Luke are finishing the pizza so it should be out soon."
"Wait like Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings? You got them to remain in the same area for more than an hour without killing each other?"
"What can I say I'm a miracle worker."
"You might be more powerful than God himself, Alison."

The boys came out of the kitchen with sauce on their faces and Luke for some reason wearing apron.

"Dinner is served," they took a bow while Calum and I clapped.

We all sat in the living room eating pizza and watching cartoons.

"Calum did you know Alison and Luke have a YouTube channel where they do covers and stuff."
"Oh that's actually pretty cool. Luke why didn't you tell me?"
"Totally forgot but Michael played with us today, he was pretty good."

Calum almost spat out his grape soda.

"You just complimented Michael-the guy you hate."
"He's cool," shrugged Luke as he stuffed his face with pizza

That was even a surprise to me. How did they change their feelings about each other in just a few hours?

"Yay you guys finally got along," I sprung up to hug them both. Tightly, they hugged me back.

"Ah finally I can talk to Luke without Mikey getting mad at me," Calum said with a laugh.

The night was coming to an end and one by one the boys all left.The garage door was opening signaling my mom was home.

"Hey babes, how was it?"
"So tell me what happened?"
"Well I was teaching Michael how to play then Luke told me, very loudly I might add, that we hit 200 subscribers. In celebration we made a video with Michael in it. Then after that Calum came over and we just chilled. We finished so they all left one by one."

"Oh that sounds like fun. I'm so proud of you and Luke."
"Thanks mom."
"Are you sure you don't like any of the I mean you have all these boy friends."

"I promise you they're just friends and I would like to keep it that way."
"Okay but I would date Luke if I were your age."

"Mom why do you make things weird!"
"Ugh you're so weird," I said as I ran upstairs.

I sat on my bed for a while thinking about the amazing time I had hanging out with the boys. Then it hit me I had totally forgot about talking to Alex and Lilly! Immediately I jumped to my computer to Skype them.

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