ch 3: rivalry (updated)

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1 month

School was starting in tomorrow and I knew nobody else besides Luke. This was stressing me out more than I wish it had. Luke reassured me that everything would be just fine. In my heart I really hoped he was telling the truth.


The sound of Luke's voice echoed through my room. Startled I sprung up to find Luke yelling for me in my backyard.

"What, Romeo?"
"School starts in 20 minutes don't want to be late on your first day darling. So lose the spaghetti straps and let's goooo."
"I'll be down in 5."

I threw on a Black Sabbath t-shirt with a pair of jeans. Quickly I brushed my teeth and hair. Luckily my vans were right by the door cause I didn't have time to look for any other shoes.

"Alison come on or we're going to be late."

My mom was passed out on the couch from a late night so I gave her a quick peck and ran out.

"Did you even eat anything?"
"No, didn't have time cause someone was rushing you."
"Here I have an apple you can have it."

I took the apple and started eating while Luke was telling me about the school.

"I have this friend name Calum, he's pretty cool."
"Can I meet him?"
"Sure, but he also has this friend named Michael. I don't think he likes me but it's fine I don't like him either. Bit of a show off. Oh and also theres my other friend named Ashton. He's an upperclassmen so he's pretty awesome."

I nodded like I understood but really I could barley hear him over my heart pounding.
Pretty soon we were there and someone ran up to Luke.

"Hey Luke, who's this?"
"This is Alison, Alison this is Calum."
"Hi Alison."
"Hey Calum."
"So where's Michael?" asked Luke.

"Over there." Calum pointed towards a boy in a white shirt and jeans.
"Mhm well I have to show Alison her class sheet."
"Kay see you later, Hemmings. Nice meeting you Alison"
"Bye," Luke grabbed my hand and walked us away. Calum walked away, he seems nice.

"Wait Luke I already know my classes."
"I know it's just if I talk to Calum too long Michael gets mad at him and doesn't talk to him for the rest of the day."
"Seems kind of annoying."
"Trust me it is."

School was really boring and frankly quite annoying because everyone thought my accent was funny. Luckily Luke was in most of my classes so I at least knew someone.

I tried to talk to some of the girls but they all snickered and turned away. Before I knew it lunch was starting so I went to sit by Luke and his friends. They kind of ignored me which I didn't really mind teenage boys can be slightly annoying at times. But I got tired of feeling lonesome so I nudged luke.

"Who are some of your friends?"
"To be honest they're mostly Ashton's and he's right there."
"Hey Luke, who is this lovely lady?"

I blushed a bit which made Luke roll his eyes.

"This is Alison, Alison this is Ashton."
"Very nice to meet you Alison."
"Nice to meet you too.
"Ash, ya know Alison plays guitar."

"That's pretty sick I play a little myself but I'm mainly a drummer."
"No way I've always wanted to try but I don't even know where to begin."
"I could teach you sometime?"
"I'd like that."

We smiled at each other till Ashton went back to talking to his friends. Up ahead I saw Calum and Michael struggling to find a table. Lightly I tapped Luke's shoulder.


Nodding towards the two boys I said,"They look like they need a place to sit."
"I don't know, Michael doesn't really like me."
"It'll be fine."
"Okay I guess but if this goes awry I'm blaming you. Hey Calum, Michael there's two seats over here!"

Calum smiled then began walking while Michael stood there looking hesitant. Finally gave in, taking the seat besides me.
I'm guessing cause he didn't want to be by Luke.

"Michael are you going to say hi?" Calum asked.
"Hi," he said then turned back to his food.
"Sorry Alison he doesn't like people."
"It's fine. Hi Michael."

He cocked his head a little to see me.
I was hoping he would talk because I was a little desperate to meet new people.

"Nice shirt."

Silence took over till luke patted my back.

"I'll be right back Alison my brother needs me."
"Okay see you."

Just as I was about to talk to Ashton and Calum they had already been in their own conversation. The only other person I had to talk to was Michael. Lazily I slumped in my chair hoping this day would end sooner. Then a voice perked my attention.

"So you're friends with Luke?"
"Yeah he's nice. I heard you don't really like him."
"He's just not my cup of tea. Kind of a player if you ask me."
"Well I think he's a pretty cool guy."
"You're just further proving my point."

I choked on my green beans,"No no, I don't like Luke in that way at all. He's just a friend."

"Okay, just calm down I don't know CPR."

We both laughed while I wiped my face.

"Sorry it's just Luke is like a brother and I don't know about you but where I come from that's weird."
"I'm pretty sure everywhere that's weird."

"Anyways do you play any instruments?"
"No not really it's never tickled my fancy."
"I see, I see."
"Do you?"
"Yeah the guitar."
"Oh, liks rock band?"
I giggled,"Yes like rock band. you know I can properly teach you sometime if you want?"

"You don't have to do all that."

I rolled my eyes while grabbing a piece of paper and pen from my bag.

"Here's my address come by Sunday at 2."
"O-okay see ya then."

Good Alison you're making friends. I smiled to myself as I walked away. Wait Michael didn't take this as me asking him out on a date right? Oh god curse you and your flirty nature Ali. Maybe I could invite Luke? Yeah that's what I'll do.

When school ended Luke met me out in the parking lot and we began walking home. Since my mom was still at work by the time I got home I was at Luke's till she got back.

"Hey Alison."
"Hi Mrs.Hemmings."
"Oh please dear I've told you to call me Liz."
"Okay Mrs. Liz."
"Just as cocky as the other boys," she let out a soft laugh. "How was school?"

"Good Alison met some of the guys."
"That's nice."
"Well we're going to upload so I'll see you later."
"Have fun."

Quickly we ran to his room cause it was always fun to just play. We decided we were going to play Fireflies. After we were done I finally brought up Saturday.

"Can you come over on Saturday?"
"Alison we're at each others houses every day whats the difference?"
"Well I told Michael I'd give him lessons but I'm scared he took it as me asking him on a date. Pleaseeeee will you come?"
"Well if he didn't hate me before he'll hate me now. Fine but if I see any touching I'm throwing up."

I chucked a pillow at him and he began laughing hysterically. Hopefully Saturday would go well.

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