ch 5: i'm here for you (updated)

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"Hi," lilly said in a monotone voice while Alex was busy with a steady streak of kills on COD
"Hey, Alex."

Even Alex seemed unamused. I'll admit I had only called them 3 times since I've gotten here. I feel super bad about it but with everything going on I never had time.

"So I see you forgot about us," lilly snapped.
"No it's just I-"
"Don't you see Alex, she's already moved on to new friends. I should've known."
"Uh huh," Alex wasn't listening

"Calm down Lil, I've been super busy that I just forgot."
"You don't just forget about your best friends Alison," said Lilly.
"I can have more than one best friend and a best friend would've been able to understand."

"Shut up Alex!" Lilly and I said in sync.

"Are you saying we're not best friends
I hesitated, "maybe I am."
"Fuck you, Alison."

Lilly ended the call where only Alex and I were left. There I sat, my head in my hands, feeling anger and sadness at the same time. As the sound of the Xbox turned off Alex jumped back on his bed.

"So what'd I miss?"

I ended the call and slammed my computer.
Why was she making such a big deal you know it's hard for most to move to a random country and begin a whole new life. She should've been able to somehow understand.

At that moment I kind of felt like crying, I loved Lilly and Alex with my whole heart.
To have two of the people you trust most turn their back over something as small as a few missed calls, hurt. The tears came and believe me there was a lot of them. There I laid, thinking about people that probably couldn't care less about how I'm feeling. Soon my sorrows turned in to snores as I drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly my eyes shot open. My phone read 3:09 am. I was groggy for just a few before remembering the events that occured almost hours earlier.
Even if it was dark I needed to walk, I don't know why but walking always made me feel better.

As quietly as possible I walked down the stairs slipped on my vans and opened the door.
The cool air blew in my face, one of the many reasons I liked Australia is because it's never cold so I could always walk whenever I pleased.

I wanted to go over to Luke's but I knew he was sleeping.
But still I walked in that general direction.
A flashlight probably would've been a good thing to bring. It wasn't pitch black but close. When I was walking by Luke's house I heard sobbing.

"Hello," I whispered quietly but loudly.

No answer.

"Hello," I said once more.
"Yeah ,who is that?"
"It's Luke," he said with a sniffle.
"Luke what happened?!"
"She's gone." he said as the tears came more.
"My grandma she died yesterday."
"Luke I'm so sorry, do you nee-"

He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head in my lap and cried.

"Why are you out here," he said through his sniffling.
"My friends are fake and made me feel bad cause I forgot to talk to them. But yours is more important."
"You're the best."
"Thanks, do you need anything?"
"Can you give me a hug?"
"Of course."

I wrapped my arms around him holding him tightly.
His tears stained my shirt but I didn't care Luke was the only thing on my mind.

"Where are your parents?"
"At my Uncles , I'm staying with my brothers."
"Do you need me to stay here?"
"You can go."
"No you're hurting and I'm not going to leave you."
"You don't have t-"
"I know but I want to, come on you can come to my house."

I grabbed his hand and lead him into my room.
He sat down on my bed and then laid down.

"Oops I'm sorry I'll lay on the floor."
"No it's fine I'll sleep on the floor."
"But this is your bed an-"
"It's fine."
"You could lay here with me, you just make me feel safe."

I crawled besides Luke our backs facing each other.
Luke fell asleep quick and I laid listening to his soft snoring.
He was actually being kind of cute. No he's a friend and he probably doesn't even like me.
Oh well at least he is my friend and I couldn't ask for a better one.

"Alison," Luke said in between snoring softly.

What was he dreaming about?

"Alison no don't leave please don't leave," he jolted up and I closed my eyes quick so he didn't know I was listening.
"Thank god you're still here," then he laid back down and went back to sleep.

Was he thinking about me?
Oh well it was probably nothing.

Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-

My hand reached for the alarm clock as I pushed it down to turn it off.
Luke was still laying there fast asleep.
I didn't want to wake him but I knew I had to.

"Luke," I said with a nudge.

I did that 3 more times till he responded.

"What, oh hi."
"What time is it?"
"Oh okay."
"Do you want something to eat?"
"I don't know I don't want to intrude."
"It's fine."

We walked downstairs quietly.
Luke had grabbed a cereal box, milk,a bowl, and a spoon.
I on the other hand grabbed a banana. After our meal was over Luke had to go home and explain why he wasn't there to his parents.
I was ready to take full blame for that. My mom didn't know so I knew I had to tell her.
I could hear her footsteps as she was walking down the stairs.

"Hi Alison, what are you doing up so early?"
"Well um you see-"
"What happened?"
"Well I Skyped Alex and Lilly and they got super mad at me cause I forgot to talk to them . I tried to explain but they wouldn't let me so I fell asleep then woke up at 3. Since walking always seems to make me feel better I went, as I was walking I heard crying. It was Luke, his grandma had died and he was hurting so I knew he shouldn't be alone. And then I invited him over. Then he kind of fell asleep in my room."

I was waiting for her to yell at me and tell me to never do anything like that again.

"Honey if you think I'm going to be mad I'm not."
"You're not?"
"Yes, I actually think you were being a great friend and you only did what was right."
"Thanks mom, love you," I said as I ran to hug her.
"But you're going to have to tell Luke's mother."
"I know , can I go over and tell her with him?"

Quickly I slipped my Converse on and walked over to Luke's house.
Luke's mom gave me a key but I didn't need it cause the door was wide open.

"Oh hey Alison," said Liz.
"Um is Luke here."
"Yes, Luke Alison's here!"

I could hear Luke trip while trying to run to the door. That made me chuckle a little.

"Alison, hey."
"Okay well I'll be in the kitchen if you two need something."

Liz walked away and I grabbed Luke. I shut the door and had Luke by me.

"So did you tell your mom?"
"What did she say?" I asked.
"She said you were a great friend for doing that and that she wasn't mad."
"Oh thank god."
"What about yours?"
"Same thing."
"Oh okay."

"Don't be embarrassed but I kind of heard you say my name and then wake up to see if I was okay."
"Oh um I,"
"It's fine I'm sure it was nothing."
"I'm so embarrassed uh I-"

"Luke it's fine sometimes I would have dreams about my friends leaving me."
"Really?"he said as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Yeah it's fine."
"Okay thanks, well I've got to go."
"See you bye."

Well that was awkward I thought as I walked away.
I walked up to my room and fell on my bed. Was I getting feelings for Luke? No, Alison remember he's just a friend. Oh well at least he thinks about me ,right?

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