~ Chapter 21 ~

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Just in case. Cause this has happened before. This is a double update! Chapter 20 was published too!!

Enjoy ~~

Third pov

He ran over dropping before the curled sobbing child. Her skin was tinted blue and she was shivering from the cold. Fire sparked here and there melting the ice only for it to be covered up by frost almost instantly.

"Jeez! What the hell happened!?" He activated his quirk without a thought or care for himself. Upon contact with her skin steam instantly began to roll off.

Dammit! She'd have frozen to death at this rate! He gritted his teeth having an unofficial answer of what happened. I bet I already fucking know. Tch. That son of a bitch! Driving her to this point, what the fuck did he say!?

"Nii-san..." Asami's eyes were shut all the crying made her eyes swollen and even the water had frozen her eyes closed. So he passed his finger covered in a single flame over it melting the ice.

"I'm here..." the blue tint to her skin was still there and she was still freezing.

"Gomen...I didn't mean to make you worry...I was just scared and I made tou-san angry again! Gomen..."

"It's okay. He's always angry. It's not your fault snowflake..." he pulled her into his arms blasting blue flames around them.

It burnt her clothes slightly but that was what needed to be done to warm her up. And for once his body didn't hate him. In fact his body was an even temperature right now with Asami's cold temperature allowing his to stay that way.

Well look at that.. I'm not burning.

"Am I in trouble?" He frowned snarling with a glare at a tree.

"No...you're not in trouble."

"But tou-san-"

"Its fine. I'll protect you." He pulled Asami closer burying her face in his chest "Touya aniki is here. I'll protect you no matter what..." the man froze as he let slip his name.

He cursed himself for it but Asami was practically asleep in his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief at that but he meant it. She was there after everything happened, so she was never on his list. She was an unexpected joy in his painful and dark life. A joy he wants to keep. And if that meant taking her with him, then so be it.

"Asami!?" Voices began to sound.

"Asami, call out to us, please!"

"Asami!!" Said girl shifted closer to him her hand holding a monster grip on his white shirt.

"Nii..."she muttered in response to the calls.

"Looks like our time is up." He shifted around taking off his shirt to place it over her and the jacket he wore under. He stuck a note in the jacket before he leaned down and kissed her head. "Sleep for me and rest up. Okay snowflake?" And then he was gone from sight.


"I found her!" Shoto reached her first lifting her into his arms where he heated his body to warm her up.

"Is she...?" Fuyumi asked frightened that her thoughts were right.

"No." Shoto's blunt answer calmed his aneki down a lot. Natsuo was really the one to notice the things around her

"Someone was here." His statements made Shoto and Fuyumi tense.

They looked around. Fuyumi in fear and Shoto was glaring, daring anything to come out and attack. This would be the only day he would use his left side and set ablaze to this forest.

"Shoto, there's a note." Natsuo pointed to the jacket where he saw a note sticking out of the pocket. Looking down Shoto shifted Asami so he could get it.

"What does it say?" Fuyumi asked worried. Shoto frowned turning the paper for his siblings to see themselves. The handwriting was messy and obviously rushed but they understood it.

This is the second time I've seen her like this. There won't be a third.

"What does that mean?!" Natsuo frowned confused.

"There are two things it could mean." Shoto sighed "Asami has someone protecting her and watching her closely. So that means, if there's a third time for them to see Asami like this, we won't see her again. Or the police will know about it."

"You're betting on the former, aren't you?" Fuyumi frowned.

"Hai. Whoever is finding Asami in these situations either have an ulterior motive, or its coincidence. If I were them, seeing her like this for the second time. I wouldn't return her either." With that Shoto stood, holding Asami bridal style and walking back towards their house.

"It had to be here huh...?" Natsuo sighed the place was green, full of life as if nothing had happened back then. The only indication that it did was the covered in vines, with obvious scorched marks, target.

"How does she even know of here?" Fuyumi sighed also.

"I took her here once some time last year to let her cool off from training. It was on his day. When we got here she said she liked it and claimed it as her go to spot. I asked her not to though, since it was so far from home. She agreed."

"She must have subconsciously come here then."

"Maybe, but who else would be up here?"

"That could be many people, Natsu."

"It could. But let's be honest. No one really comes here. Not after..."

"We don't come here Natsu. So we wouldn't know." Natsuo sighed

"I guess you're right..."  Fuyumi nodded patting his back

"Come on. Let's catch up to Shoto. I'm pretty sure he can't open the doors with Sami in his arms."

"Hai..." the two began to backtrack. Going back to their house.


"I see you've found her." Enji stood by the entrance a glare on his face.

Shoto glared back saying nothing as he passed his father by, through gritted teeth. He paused however making Enji raise his eyebrows. Before he could question his youngest son a piece of paper was slammed into his chest.

"Someone knows." That was all he stated before walking off. Confused more than angry Enji looked down to the paper he was given.

He sucked in a breath unsure of how to feel about the message. He wasn't sure if to take it seriously or if it was Shoto's way of threatening him by making it seem that way. However there was something that bothered him. This handwriting was familiar. Maybe if it didn't seem rushed he would have understood it better.

Clicking his tongue he set the paper on fire watching it's ashes blow into the wind. He remained where he stood even after Fuyumi and Natsuo returned, glaring at nothing and something all at once.


Elsewhere 》》》

Glaring right back at Endeavor with a pair of matching blue eyes was Yori. Endeavor was glaring in his general direction but unbeknownst to him looking directly at where he hid. The two seemed to glare at the other as if face to face before Endeavor turned and went into his house. Yori scoffed.

"He probably didn't even take that note seriously..." but a smirk was on his face despite his obvious annoyed tone. "Ah~ guess I'll have to follow through with my promise huh?" He chuckled "But with the look of one Todoroki Shoto, that's going to be hard. He looks like he'll commit murder for her if it comes down to it. Maybe I should take him to? Endeavor... unable to save his masterpieces. What a headline that would be..." he grinned now, laughing to himself at the image placed in his mind.

He turned walking away before he stopped back still facing the direction of the Todoroki household.

"Wait for me snowflake..." He looked back eyes glowing in the light of his flames "I'll burn this world to ashes to see you safe. I have to get rid of some filth first though. So, soon. Soon... you'll be free." He outed the flames before he continued walking no particular destination in mind.

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