~ Chapter 27 ~

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Third pov

Shoto stood amongst his pairs his body still in shock at the unspeakable act he just did. He used his flames. His eyes went up to the stands and he easily found his father glaring up at him. He glared back before his eyes went to the his target. Midoriya.

He called the boy aside and the both of them left without anyone really noticing. Almost anyone.

Now the two boys stood face to face hidden in a hallway.

"What...what is it that you want to tell me?" Midoriya questioned looking nervously up at the bi-coloured haired boy, only to be glared at making him even more nervous.

"You blind sided me. So much so that I broke my own promise..." Shoto finally spoke "The others didn't feel it, but I did. That power you have, after all it was only me who have seen All Might's power up close."

"So...um..what are you trying to say?" Midoriya questioned sweating.

"I'm saying what I felt from you is quite similar to All Might's power." Shoto stared deeply at his hand for a moment before he glanced up "Midoriya...are you..." Midoriya began to sweat bullets "...are you All Might's secret love child?" Shoto finally asked.

Not a sound was made, nor heard. (Besides me cackling). Everything seemed frozen in place and Midoriya Izuku went blank going over the question in his mind over a dozen times.

Eh?? All Might's...

"Ah! No! No No No!! You've got it all wrong! I'm not All Might's secret anything...then again claiming that doesn't sound too convincing and..." The green haired boy trailed off muttering to himself.

"Reguardless. You have a connecton to All might, which means I have to win all the more."


"You must know my old man, Endeavor. He's been no.2 hero for forever now." Shoto glared. "He's made a name for himself since the start of his hero career. He quickly climbed the ladder but it was never enough to outpace a legend like All Might, who was an unrecoverable mite in his eyes. Because he knew this he devised a plan."

"What are you talking about Todoroki-kun...?"

"You know what quirk marriage is don't you?" From the shocked look on Midoriya's face Shoto assumed he knew. "After quirks began it came into the picture around the second and third generations. Marrying solely to have an offspring with a powerful quirk. A throwback to a bygone idea with shitty logic. As a man with means and logic he easily integrated himself into my mother's family, and took possession of her quirk." Shoto paused the haunting memories of his mother mental health going down the drain making him clench one fist and place his hand over his scar.

"All he wanted was to shake his own thirst and raise a hero to rise above All Might. Fuck him...I'll never be that shits fucking tool!" Shoto growled anger as clear as water in his voice. "In my younger days my memories of my mother were filled with her crying. Then she told me my left side was unsightly and poured boiling water over my left eye." Midoriya was horrified.

The no.2 hero was such a person!? And his mother did that to him during a mental breakdown! Out of all the guesses he had about the scar that was never one!

"The reason I'm aiming to beat you, who was recognized by All Might himself, is a personal triumph. I'll win. I'll win without using that shitty old man's quirk. Just to prove a point. I'll be no.1 without his quirk this is my disapproval of him and his quirk." Shoto breathed out to calm himself "but not just for me." Midoriya was once again stunned as Shoto gave a soft smile.

"If I can be no.1 he'll lay off on Asami. The one born after everything. She was quite a surprise, unplanned and yet...she's more wanted by him than our other older siblings. Her quirk isn't limited to a side and she uses both well. If I can prove to that man I can be no.1 without his quirk he'll focus on me even more, which will get his attention off of Asami." Shoto frowned "Twice. She's ran from him twice because he forced her to use her quirk passed her limit, both times almost killed her..." And once again Midoriya was stupefied.

That ball of sunshine Asami went through that!? She acted as if her life was perfect! Like she had no worries in the world. Now he understood just why Shoto and Asami were so close. Shoto leaned off the wall and began walking away.

"If you can't tell me anything that's fine. You keep being All Might's something or other. And I'll climb over you using my right side. I'll win so I can take his attention away from Asami too. Gomen ne... I took up your time."

"I.." Shoto stopped as Midoriya spoke up. "I had outside help all this time...that was true earlier too. The reason I'm standing here is because someone always saved me. I...want to be like All Might. To do that I need to become strong and be no.1. It maybe a trifling motive compared to yours but all the same... I can't lose." He looked the bi-coloured boy in his eyes

"Not for myself but for all the people that helped me get here! So I'll take that declaration of yours, and Echo it! I'm going to beat you too!"

Shoto didn't say it, nor did his face show it but he was impressed with the determination Midoriya held. And he took his challenge seriously.


Meanwhile through all of that Bakugou had heard the entire conversation. He had seen the two leave and he followed about to yell when he walked in on them already talking. Better judgment would tell him to leave but he just had to hear the bi-coloured boy's story. He never did like Endeavor much.

Respect as a hero and as a person were two different things to him. So he'll respect the hero Endeavor but outside that. Yeah no. Bakugou watched the two boys leave only to jump as another voice on the other side of him sounded.

"Hmm. I guess I have to work harder too!"

"Ah! Fuck!!" Bakugou jumped spinning to see Asami standing there.

"You have got to stop that Bakugou."

"!How the fuck long have you been there cotton candy pipsqueak!?"

"Hmm since Sho-nii mentioned All Might's secret love child."

"How the hell didn't I hear you then!?"

"I'm stealthy!" Asami grinned wiggling her eyebrows before laughing. "Oh, good job on the calvary battle! You totally owned that other blonde. His expression was amazing!" She grinned up at the blonde who clicked his tongue.

"The hell do you want!?"

"Help me go back? I just followed the hottest heat signature here besides tou-san's and that's you!"

"Hah?" Bakugou raised a single eyebrow staring down at the child.


"Whatever..." he rolled his eyes beginning to walk away.

"I'm taking that as I can follow you!" Asami smiled bouncing up to the angry blonde.

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