{Special} Losing game I

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I gave you fluff in the last time. Now prepare for-- 


Also this will be 2 parts!

Third pov

《《《《《 Rewind to while Asami was in the hospital in a coma 《《《《

Shoto was eating soba. His friends were talking about what internship they should go to. He didn't know when, but the noise his classmates made provided him a sort of comfort. He used to think they were noisy. They still are but, they were keeping his mind occupied with thoughts other than Asami. Suddenly his phone went off surprising him since he wasn't expecting a call. 


"Todoroki-kun?" the doctor's voice sounded over the phone causing Shoto to perk up.


"Gomen... gomen ne..." Shoto began to sweat. Why was he apologizing? What happened?! And why is he hesitating to telling him?! His mind was spinning with unanswered questions.

"DAMN YOU! I WANT AN ANSWER NOW!!" Endeavors voice rang out in the background and Shoto knew instantly something bad had happened to Asami.

Oh Kami please no...

"What happened...?" The class seemed to quiet down. Seemingly hearing Endeavor through the phone as well, not to mention the expressions on Shoto's face.

"Asami-chan was taken." Shoto froze mouth falling opened in shock as his chopsticks fell from his hand.

"What...what did you just say...?" His heart was hammering in his chest.

"E, Earlier today! She had a visitor! He came in and a minute later the patient alarm went off. When we got there Asami and the man were missing! But then, then the man came back claiming-"

"W, Where is Asami..?" Shoto cut the doctor's rant he could care less for the man, where is his sister?

"We don't know..." the doctor squeaked as if seeing the look promising death before him.

"...You don't know?" And the sound of death's voice belonged to Shoto.

"Gomen... we don't know." The call cut as Shoto had melted his phone from the heat he was emitting. He was staring off at nothing, his breath in tremors as his desk both froze and caught on fire.

"Fuck!" he shot up running out the door.

"What just-"

"Don't ask."


"What can your doctor do, that others can't?" Dabi stood in front of Shigaraki, Asami asleep in his arms. But he could tell if she didn't get some help right now she'd be in pain and possibly die. It's been a month and those doctors weren't making progress at all.

He was sick of seeing her in pain. She looked like she was getting worse rather than better under their care.

"Lots of things. Kurogiri, carry her to the doctor." Shigaraki scratched at his neck looking to his misty caretaker.

"As you wish Shigaraki Tomura.." a black hole opened up "Please step through, I shall take you to where the doctor works." Dabi nodded then paused right as he was about to step into the portal.

"If more harm comes to her...I'll burn this place and you all to the ground." then he left.

"Tch. What's so special about that kid anyway?! Why does he want the no.2 hero's daughter?!"

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