~ Chapter 43 ~

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Asami pov

I inhaled slowly letting out a cold breath before I blasted flames along the thick layer of ice I made. It blasted all around me thinning the ice and stopping right at the edge.

"Eep! What the hell!? Where'd these flames come from?!" I looked up seeing Kirishima no.2 running back and forth with his quirk active and pants on fire. Literally.

"Ah! Gomen!" I sent a blast of ice at him with the heat of the flames the ice turned to water slashing and soaking the teen down instead of simply outing him. I hid my face in my arms and stooped to hide as best as I could through the steam also created "Gomen..."

"Hey, hey no need to be embarrassed! I saw you and got curious about what you were doing. It was my fault for coming so close to the water. I wasn't expecting it..." I looked up sighing softly.

"Right... but are you okay?"

"Yep! I'm made of steel it'll take more than that to put me down! Also, I was looking for your friend. He's supposed to train with me today. At least he requested it but I can't find him." I blinked nodding.

"Kichirou? He must be in the cave then." I closed my eyes taking a breath. I thought of going to Kichirou, connecting to him. I felt myself sinking but didn't open my eyes in fear of severing the link.

"Asami? How'd you..?" I opened my eyes to see that I was no longer on the lake but inside the cave standing beside Kichirou.

"I did it! But, it never worked before.." I frowned confused.

"Oh! I get it! You were looking for me right?" I nodded "Then what if you can only travel to the shadows to get to me? When I'm in a certain range you can shadow walk to where I am. Think you can go back?"

I tried again and that sinking feeling surrounded me. This time I stopped.

"I think so."

"Then you can only shadow walk to and from me at a distance. Wanna try it?"

"I'll try. But follow me too, Kirishima no.2 is looking for you."

"His name is Tetsutestu..." he sweat dropped.

"Oh." I closed my eyes letting the feeling of sinking surround me and when I opened them again I saw my head just popping out of the ice where Tetsutestu was staring at me weirdly.

"That's oddly really cool." He held a thumbs up. I smiled.


"Huh, the lakes frozen..." Kichi popped up coming out of my shadow.

"Testsu-san gomen! When I got up you were training so I decided to wait and do my own for the time until you were free."

"That's fine! It's manly you kept thinking of me but you could've come anytime you know? We're still training after all!" Kichirou nodded.

"Hai, next time!" With that the two left me.

This time I made sure no one was near before I resumed my training this time however, I was using my feet...and a different kind of flames.


I yawned softly scooping the chopped carrots into a bowl. Today we were making stew.

"You really are pros at at using kitchen knives huh, Bakugou, Asami?" Uraraka said.

"Again with this shit?! How the hell can you be bad with a knife dammit!?"

"Woah, haven't seen him actually good at anything in a while!" Kaminari added causing Kichirou to snort.

"Something you gotta say pink eyes!?"

"MY eyes are purple!!" It was my turn to snort now.

"How's everyone so full of energy...?" Kirishima sulked exhaustion clear in his eyes.

"Asami-chan! Come light a fire for me!" Invisible hands grabbed onto mine and dragged me away from the cutting table to light the pots.


"Bellies are filled and plates are clean! Next up..."

"The test of courage!!" Some people cheered.

"Gomen na but remedial group, you have a class with me right now." Sensei spoke.

"NO WAYY!!" Mina screamed the loudest causing sensei to drag away the remedial group.

"Right, class B will be on the offensive first. Class A will head into the forest in teams of two, one every three minutes. You'll find name cards at the halfpoint grab your own and then come back here!" Mandalay explained. "The scares aren't allowed to make direct contact. They'll just be using their quirks to startle you as best as they can."

"So get creative! Whichever class makes the other wet their pants more wins!!" The rest of the Pussycat Dolls yelled.

"Before we begin. Are you two joining?" Pixie-Bob turned to Kichi and I.

"Hai." We nodded.

"Which class?"

"Oh, we can choose?" I smiled.

"Oi...what's with that smile?" Kichi sweat dropped shaking his head at me.

"I'm going to join class B!" Then he jumped into the shadows.

"My dark rival..." I looked at Tokoyami and chuckled

"Asami, are you sure you want to join us?" Shoto looked down at me while Bakugou harassed Ojiro to switch with him.

"Mhm. I've been avoiding you both whole day. Besides..." I raised Shoto's hands stepping closer so I can hug him. "I missed your hugs." Shoto's chest rumbled as he laughed, hugging me back and ruffling my hair.

"Team 2, plus 1! Your turn!" We headed into the forest.

"Oi, you said you were avoiding us earlier? Why?" Bakugou asked once no one was in sight.


"Are you dumb?! You avoided us over a nightmare?"

"You died...and I couldn't do anything. Looking at anyone made me want to cry. I'm tired of crying so I went to the lake instead."

"That explains why you left so quickly. Wish you'd have told me." Shoto grabbed my hand.

"You were training."

"When has that ever stopped me?" I held on tighter.

"Gomen..." Bakugou landed his hand on my head.

"Dumbass don't fight your fears on your own! People are here for you. Even if you didn't want to see us, I bet that spider arms could have helped. But don't go by Deku. He's shit at comfort." I laughed. Only for a head to pop up out of the ground.

"Oh." All three of us froze.

"Oh? That's it?!" Someone behind the bush yelled. I smiled

"Natsu is scarier when he doesn't get sleep." Bakugou snorted as Shoto shook his head.

We kept walking, making it to the halfway point where the boys grabbed their names. As we continued I felt my flames react. I stopped dead in my tracks turning back to look in the forest.

"Asami? What is it?"

"I..." Don't know... I couldn't answer.

My heartbeat sped up and I felt suffocated but I could breathe. Panic went through me then nothing. My eyes widened as I turned fully into the forest.


"Oi! What's wrong?!"

We're under attack by two villains! And there might be more! All those who can, should get to camp at once!! If you encounter the enemy Don't engage!! Just retreat!! Mandalay voice yelled in my head.

You've got to be joking... I thought mind blanking for a moment.

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