~ Chapter 5~

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Shoto; 11
Asami;  5

Third pov

"Hmm..." Asami sat on her porch, arms and legs folded as her eyes where screwed shut in a pout. She seemed deep in thought but upon closer inspection she was just pouting.

"A...Asami?" A voice called when he saw her. Asami turned at hearing her name. Seeing who it was that called her she immediately brightened up at the sight of him.

"Nasu-niisan!!" She shot up tackling the white haired boy in a hug causing him to stumble.

"Aha, Asami. Have you grown?" He joked lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist to keep balance.

"Uhuh! By two inches!"

"Ah, I'm getting old huh?"

"Yep!" She smiled. Natsuo stared lovingly down at his sister.

Honestly the last time he saw her was months ago. He did everything in his power to avoid her. He couldn't handle it, while in his room he could hear her cries of pain and how hard his father was training her and all he could do was curl into himself. He wasn't even the one being hit! The guilt was eating him, so he thought distancing himself was a good option.

He was forced into it with Shoto so how hard would it have been to avoid Asami. Apparently, very hard. She literally ran around the house calling his name. She even used her quirks! She blasted down the door once and frosted it over that was how upset she was at him. He didn't see her for dinner and that was because she'd try to catch him going back to his room.

She failed at catching him but it brought happiness to his heart. It made him not feel like the worst brother to ever exsist. Not to mention, Shoto also tried to talk with him more. Enji called it a rebelling phase but as Shoto got older Enji had less influence on the boys actions and he had fully stopped using his flames. He'd train physically with Enji but his quirk he would train on his own.

Maybe that was why Enji was so hard on Asami but still she never took him seriously and she definitely took a few pages out of each of her older siblings books when it came to talking to him. She was blunt, sarcastic and very open with her emotions, she also had her own way of doing things. Natsuo was pulled from his thoughts by Fuyumi calling out his name as she entered the room.

"Ah Natsuo! You're back home early." Fuyumi smiled as she went to the kitchen to place her things down.

"Ah, yeah. School closed early today. A villian attack had been near-by  so..."


"Are you okay?" Asami asked her eyes now searching for any bruises or cuts.

"Yeah I'm fine. Heroes just wanted the area clear so school finished early. Not complaining though, sensei didn't get the chance to give us our homework." Natsuo laughed happily. He was going to be free for the rest of the week.

"I see. Well at least you and everyone else didn't get hurt. On another note, Asami..." Fuyumi raised one eyebrow at the young girl making her pout again.

"Aww~ Come on its boring..." Asami pouted.

"Please. I promised dad you'd meditate to up your focus. If you don't focus you know what he'll do to you." Fuyumi worried looking away and continuing to pack the groceries away.

"I know..." Sighing Asami pulled herself from Natsuo and went back into her position she was supposed to originally be in.

"What promise Fuyumi?" Natsuo looked to his older sister confused.

"Dad thinks she lacks focus. So the method was to either beat focus into her and then meditate, or meditate for hours on end with little food and some water. I'm trying to help her as much as I can but she really hates staying still." Fuyumi sighed with a fond smile on her face.

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