~ Chapter 33.5~

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Third pov


Before the explosion 《《《

Shoto smiled gently at his mother who was laughing softly at a story he told her about Asami.

"Did she really...?"

"Mm. She calls it Natsuo hunt."

"All this from a hide and seek game?" Rei smiled still chuckling softly.

"I think she cheats."


"When she can't find him she'd sit in the hall and cry. It was guaranteed to bring him out." Shoto sighed smiling softly "But as she got older she stopped crying and kept looking for him." Rei's smile saddened.

"I missed so much..." she sighed "I never thought that she'd come to see me. Honestly, I'm a stranger to her and yet..." she chocked up "when she called me kaa-san I felt like a mother all over again." Shoto smiled.

"Hm. I understand. After you left I was sure nothing would make me happy ever again. Then she came. And after I used my flames again even while that man was yelling at me none of his words registered in my mind. But hers...hers did." Shoto smiled "Her words...her words meant everything to me." Rei smiled.

"I'm sure it did. She's a little ball of sunshine huh?" They smiled silently agreeing. "Next time you visit, can you bring her? I'd love to see you two together."

"Hai. I'll bring her along next time." The two smiled.

"Breaking news!" The television got the two Todoroki's attention making them turn to face the TV "Explosions have gone off at XxxXxx pre and middle school! Heroes have yet to get to the school as villains held them up right before the explosion occurred! It is rumored that four explosions went off in succession destroying the school within a moments notice! More of the incident will be reported along the way!"

Dread washed over the room. The once happy and calm atmosphere gone. Rei stared with widened eyes and mouth slightly parted, her hands trembled and her body shook as the temperature dropped. Shoto was not so far off his eyes were wide, his mind was reeling and all he felt was numb pain.

"We have an update with live footage of the events!!" The news reported and the camera switched to the destroyed barely standing school building. Their hearts dropped even more and Rei found herself tapping Shoto despite her eyes not leaving the screen.

"Shoto...Shoto call your father... call him right now!! Find out what's happened to Asami!" But Shoto was already dialing.

"No answer!" Shoto bit his lip harshly to prevent himself from cursing. "Okaa-"

"Go...go!" Rei looked up tears down her eyes "I don't want to lose her too..." Shoto nodded placing a kiss on her head then he bolted.


"Endeavor-san!!" One of his sidekicks ran up to him frantically while he was patrolling "Why are you still here Endeavor-san?! You should be to the middle school already!!"

"Ha? What nonsense are you spouting the school doesn't end until-" He stopped his eyes landing on the tv in a display window on the opposite street, showing the news of the explosion on a middle school.

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