~ Chapter 4 ~

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Shoto; 11
Asami;  4

Third pov

"Tou-san, please! It's been over three hours now, you're overworking her!" Fuyumi stood on the porch of their backyard begging Enji to stop.

Enji however was ignoring her as he has been doing for the past half hour. Before he was answering her, now he just blatantly ignored what Fuyumi was saying as his attention was on Asami.

"Get up." He demanded to the child wheezing on the ground. "UP!" The flames around his face roared with his shout making both of his daughters flinch.

Asami sniffed moving to pick herself up off the ground. The moment she stood up she swayed fighting to keep balance.

"Tou-san... I'm tired, please stop now." She begged once she was somewhat steady.

"You have not landed a single hit on me. I will not stop until you do." Enji declared strengthening his glare on his four years old. Asami huffed.

"I am four years old. You are a pro hero, how am I to land a hit on you when you are faster than me?"

"Think of something. Your opponents will be faster and tougher than you at the rate you're going, so start moving!" He snapped.

Asami whined but ran towards her father. She lifted her left hand covering it in fire to try and land at least a mark on him.

"Tch. Slow." With no hesitation Enji caught her by her wrist and yanked her off the ground. He swung her to behind him, slamming Asami onto the ground mercilessly and without so much as an ounce of guilt on his expression as she cried out in pain. If she wasn't so tiny he'd have thrown her over his head but he'll wait till shes a bit older for that.

"Tou-san!!" Fuyumi screamed in horror running out into the yard and towards Asami. Enji let the girl go sighing irritably as he spun on his heels and began to walk away from the two.

"We will continue tomorrow."

"Tou-san, you can't! You dislocated her wrist!" Fuyumi worried slowly helping Asami into a sitting position.

"Ice it."

"But she doesn't know how to use her right hand!"

"Then she will learn!" Enji snapped the flames on his face once again roaring to amplify his anger. Fuyumi immediately looked down nodding.

"Hai..." Gently she placed her hands over and under Asami's dislocated wrist and iced it over. Then she picked up the sobbing child and keeping her hands cold set it on her back.

Fuyumi moved carefully as she re-entered the house going up to her room where she kept most of the first aid. She took a towel freezing it as she set it on a futon and set Asami over it.

"I'm sorry, please bare with me..." Fuyumi cooed as Asami whimpered at the cold feeling on her back, although it was definitely soothing the pain.

In silence Fuyumi melted the ice, reset her wrist and wrapped it. The only reason why Asami didn't scream in pain, was because she had fallen asleep on the cold towel. Fuyumi sighed kind of relieved that Asami had fallen asleep before she had to reset her wrist. She wasn't sure how Asami would have taken to that pain. Resetting the bone is always more painful than dislocating it.

"Fuyumi, I'm home. Have you seen-?" Shoto knocked on the door before opening it and seeing all the bandages and ice covering the room, he immediately knew what had happened.

"How bad?" He frowned entering the room and speeding over to his sisters.

"He hurt her pretty bad today... I think he was angry..." Fuyumi mumbled the last part unsurely as she lifted Asami up gently taking her shirt off.

"What happened to her hand?" Shoto took Asami's hand, which was still so small in his own as he rubbed the back of her hand.

"He...he threw her onto the ground and the force of the throw dislocated her wrist." Fuyumi shifted Asami to show Shoto her already bruised back "The fall she took wasn't pretty either. I'm honestly surprised that she didn't throw up..." Fuyumi just had an aura of guilt over her as she used her quirk to ease up the pain in Asami's body causing the four years old to squirm

"You have dinner to prepare. I can keep watch of her for the rest of the day." Shoto gestured for Asami to be handed to him.

"Ah. You're right!" Fuyumi gently but quickly handed over her sister to her brother and shot up dusting her hands off. "Okay, arigatou na, for watching Asami, Shoto!" And with that she dashed out of her room.

Shoto sighed shaking his head as he also left Fuyumi's room.


It's Saturday and Shoto sat glaring heatedly at Enji, who was in their backyard. Enji had seen him there but opted to ignore the boy...for the time being.

"Is there something you want, Shoto?" He questioned while still meditating with fire.


"And what will that be?"

"Ease up."

"What?" Enji stopped turning to fully face his son.

"Ease up on Asami. You are training her too hard. At this rate you will kill her." Shoto glared. Enji glared back scoffing.

"It didn't kill you."

"Okaa-san was there to stop you every time you took things a bit too far."

"Get to the point Shoto." Enji sighed he had better things to do than listen to his rebelling son.

"The point is, now that she's not here you don't stop. Not to mention that if you keep going as you are now Asami will land in the hospital and as she is a Todoroki, she will draw a lot of attention. The doctors will question her, and as a child she will tell them how she got placed in the hospital with such bruises placed upon her body.

The doctors will tell someone, people will begin to research, they might find out that okaa is in the hospital and begin to do scoops or investigations on you. Who knows... if one of them find out what you're doing you can kiss being no.1 hero goodbye. Better yet, kiss being a pro hero goodbye." Shoto stared unflinching up at Enji who looked utterly pissed off by his words.

"Are you threatening me, Shoto?" He glared down at his son. "Cause if you are, that will not do well for you in the future." Enji growled out through clenched teeth, gripping his folded arms tightly.

"Hm? I don't make threats..." Shoto stood up turning away to go back inside the house but he stopped glaring over his shoulder to glare just as menacingly at his -sorry excuse of a- father "I state facts." With that he continued on his way leaving a seething Todoroki Enji behind.

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