~ Chapter 6 ~

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Shoto; 13
Asami;  6

Third pov

"You're going to school." That was the first thing Enji told Asami when he woke her up and called her down into his office.

"Eh? ...Really!?" Asami blinked now fully awake and staring at her father's flaming face.

Is he trying to make a joke? If so, it's not really funny...

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Enji glared seemingly reading Asami's mind.


"I'm not joking!" His flames flared up in his usual act to scare his daughter.

"I didn't say anything!" Asami snickered shaking her head to not agitate her father more. "So, what school am I going in?"

"Shoto's middle school."

"No. Pick another one." She shook her head again, her thinking face on as she denied the school picked for her.

"Huh? What gives you the idea that you're getting a choice in this matter?" Enji glared at his youngest. Shoto was teaching her his rebelling ways and he was not happy with it.

"Think about it, tou-san. That school already has a Todoroki in it. And other high end schools will be an expected route for you to go. But~ if you place me in a school just shy of being an elite school, you'll be recognized!" Asami smiled satisfied with her thought process.

"My children are to have only the highest of education! Placing you in anything but an elite school is out of the question!"

"It shouldn't though. If the no.2 hero Endeavor actually pays mind to a normal school just on the verge of being an elite school, you can give it that right shove to becoming an elite school! Think about it, the press will definitely eat up those news especially since you're helping the school progress with whatever it needs to make the school a better environment for kids, as well as hiring good teachers for them!"

"I should waste money on this why?" Enji raised an eyebrow at his daughter wanting to know where her mind was going with this and how long it will take for her to give in.

Asami on the other hand was thinking up a great answer to seal the deal to get her into a normal school. Then as if someone slapped the answer onto her head, she had the riskiest answer yet. One that would probably get her in trouble for even thinking about it.

"Well I mean... All Might has never done it." She paused waiting for Enji to explode at that answer. Having no reaction beside that of a fierce glare she continued. "He's probably given to orphanages and saved dozens of kids lives, but not once have I ever heard or read about him donating to a school and helping to improve it. If you do this, you'll be the first hero to have done it. The first hero to invest in improving the education for kids outside of elite schools. I mean, that would be a pretty big deal...but it's your choice though!" Asami smiled swaying on her heels as she played off trying to get her own way.

"Leave. I'll think about it." Enji declared after being silent for a few heart stopping moments.

"Hai! See you later, tou-san!" She smiled waving at him as she reached up to open the door and leave. Yes, she still had to tip toe just to reach the handle. She's a short child. Don't remind her or she'll freeze you in a tantrum, possibly burn you.

Enji watched her leave shaking his head as he resisted the urge to chuckle at his daughters struggles with a door handle.


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