~ Chapter 32~

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I had an idea and finished this so much faster than I ever thought I would!

So double homicide- update! 🙃🙃


WARNING! Death, panicking, child endangerment, blood. Please read with caution


Third pov

Ringing was all she could hear. It stayed that way for a few seconds before her hearing came back and the first thing she was greeted by was the sobs of her classmates.

"Aoi! Aoi! No! Hold on, please hold on!!"

"Yamato! Help me get this off Akira!"

"Hold on Akira! We'll get you out!"

"I can't find a way out beside up! We're locked in!!"

"Are you guys okay down there?!"


"Todoroki! Todoroki! Asami!!" She jolted eyes snapping open to Ryouta and Kichirou above her sobbing.

"Are you okay?! Does it hurt?"

"Eh...Nani...?" Asami sat up slowly with he boys help holding onto her head.

"There were explosions! We all now woke up! And you were under a desk!" Ryouta brought her up to speed.

"I think the principal made an announcement but I couldn't hear it." Kazuo coughed covered in dust.

They turned to their classmate only to scream. Kazuo was on his stomach his desk on top of him and his legs under rubble.

"Kazuo!!" Kichirou moved first getting the desk off the boy. "Ryu, help me!!" He moved to shifting the rocks using their shadows.

"No! Stop stop! You're hurting him!" Asami ran up. She knelt down "lift it, slowly!" The boys nodded and they began to slowly lift the rubble.

Asami used that small space to shove her hand under it. The temperature dropped and she slowly began growing An ice pillar to get Kazuo out. However the sight that greeted them had all four screaming, Kazuo the loudest.

"Keenntttaa!! Kaeeddee!!!" Kazuo wailed and most saw what had them like this.

The two of them were holding onto each other, Kaede laying on top of Kenta, both wearing third degree burns on their sides and bleeding out from being crushed.

"Kenta...Kaede...." Asami whimpered breathing shakily as she crawled closer hoping they were alive. "Please! I can help with the burns! Just show me you're alive!!" She cried and a response she got.

Kenta moved his hand his eyes half open. He was crying as he gripped the charred clothes of Kaede who was gone. He felt it. His baby brother had no heart beat.

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