~ Chapter 46 ~

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Third pov

"Huh?" Kichirou looked up at the red head interest in his eyes.

"Todoroki and I, we were here yesterday too. And there we chanced upon a conversation with All Might, the police and Yaoyorozu." Kirishima explained.

It appeared that she had placed a tracking device on the Nomu and had given the tracer to All Might. So they might have a location for the villains base. Kichirou was listening fully now.

"In other words...the tracking device! Yaoyorozu can make us another one!" Iida gasped out. With the nod of Kirishima, Iida lost it.

"It's exactly as All Might said! This is a matter that should be left by the professionals!!" Iida yelled out so suddenly he startled quite a few of his classmates. Kichirou included.

"Damn it man! I know that already!! But still, I couldn't do anything!!" Kirishima cried out just as loud "Hearing that our friend was targeted! And even Asami...she's not even in our class damn it! And I couldn't do anything! I didn't do anything about it! If I don't do something here, how can I call myself a hero or a man!?" Kirishima looked Iida in his eyes.

"Calm down Kirishima! Your determination is good and all but this time..." Denki tried quieting him, trying to tell his friend he was too loud

"Iida's right."

"Iida is right! Everybody's right, but still!! Listen Midoriya! Your hands can still reach!!" Kirishima held his hand out to Midoriya.

It was quiet but then Kichirou snorted.

"His hands are in a cast! He can't reach anywhere right now." He chuckled earing frowns from the older kids. "But mine can." Now they were gaping. "If you can get your Momo to help, I'm in. And I know someone who can help find and locate them too. If he hasn't already."

"Do you mean...?" Shoto looked down one person coming to mind. He hoped he was right but at Kichirou's nod he figured he was.


"Wait so, we get this tracer from Yaomomo and then we follow it?" Mina piped up

"Do you mean to go and rescue Bakugou and Todoroki-chan yourselves?" Iida asked

"Even though we were marked as murder targets they took those two away without killing them. They could still be alive." Shoto elaborated. "Kirishima, Daiski and I will go."


"Ah. Loud..." Kichirou clicked his tongue rubbing his ears.

Shoji calmed Iida down a bit telling his classmates how he understands but that they shouldn't act upon emotions. The others agreed, some too scared to go up against villains again and Tsuyu bringing up the fact that if they went, without permission to use their quirks they'd be acting like villains themselves.

Ah. Looks like I'm going to be labeled a villain for some time... Kichirou absent-mindedly thought.

"Gomen ne for interrupting, but it's time for Midoriya's check up. And you, Daiski-kun, please return to your room for check up as well."

"Hai, Hai. I'll go soon..." the others left leaving behind Kirishima Kichirou and Shoto.

"I spoke to Yaoyorozu yesterday. If we got to go. It's got to be fast, tonight." Kirishima whispered.

"If you can't come, it's fine. I'll make sure to reach them if you can't. Cause I'm definitely going to bring them back!" Kichirou nodded his head to Midoriya.

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