~ Chapter 22~

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Third pov

Shoto sat in class with his usual blank face and expressionless eyes watching his classmates enter the class one after the other. He would not express this any time soon, but the looks on their faces, are highly amusing.

On the other hand the students of class 1-A were talking among themselves with their newly made friends and about how battle training had went yesterday. The other topic was the fact that the most silent one in class was currently sitting by his desk acting like he didn't currently have another human being sitting on his lap, sound asleep. As a matter of fact he behaved as if that was the most normal thing in the world.

"Good morning Todoroki-kun." Shoto looked up seeing the girl that sat next to him. What was her name...ah Yaoyorozu Momo. Or something... Shoto nodded back in greeting.

"Morning." Then he looked back to the front of the class.

"Um...I hope you don't mind me asking but, who is that sleeping on you?" She gave a nervous smile pointing to the sleeping pink haired girl on his lap.

"Asami." Was all he answered making Momo sweat drop. She wondered if he even understood the question properly.

Unbeknownst to Shoto the class was listening in and they were all sweat dropping as well. That was not the answer they wanted but hey, now they knew her name!

Asami chose that time to wake up. Yawning softly she had a pink skinned classmate of Shoto squealing alongside a set of clothes and a girl with pink round cheeks. Some boys gushed at her cuteness as well. Asami opened her silver eye rubbing at the next one.

"She's cute!" Hearing the voice Asami turned looking at the pink skinned girl. Instantly she lit up smiling.

"You're pretty!"

"Ah!! She says I'm pretty!!" She shook the pair of clothes only to pause and a loud long gasp escaped not just hers, but the other girl's mouth as well.

"She has two colored eyes too!!"

"Aww it must be a family thing!"

"She probably got it from her mother since Todoroki-kun's blue eye is a brighter color..."

"I think they suit her nicely, kero." The girls in the class talked making Asami smile before she looked back at Shoto.

"Your friends seem nice."

"Not my friends." Asami deadpanned immediately.

"Ah Sho-nii I thought we talked about this?" The two gave each other blank looks.

"Todoroki-kun!" The two looked up seeing Shoto's male classmate with glasses who was chopping at the air "Pardon me for asking but how did you manage to get, I am assuming your sister, into the school? I do believe a pass is required to enter?" He asked

"She has a pass."
"I have a pass" the two answered simultaneously.

"I see. May I ask how you acquired one?"

"I asked the principal!" Asami smiled. Again the class sweat dropped. The Todoroki siblings seemed to only answer questions without details.

"Understood." Asami nodded.

"Settle down..." everyone turned as the door opened and in walked their sensei. Everyone took their seat waiting for what they had to do today.

"First off, Asami." He looked to the Todoroki's "Go to Nezu's office. I'm sure you remember the way."

"Hai!" Shoto placed Asami down. Passing her bag to her. She turned about to walk out the class only for Shoto to grab onto her halting her steps.

"Don't overdo it." Asami looked up smiling.

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