~ Chapter 36~

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Shoto pov

"Hai. She'll be back before five." With that I finally got to sign okaa-san out of the hospital for the day. I went to her room and she looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"We can go now. Fuyumi is waiting on us downstairs."

"Doesn't she have work today?" Kaa-san stood already in a plain light blue dress Fuyumi had gotten her.

"She got off early. She wanted to come with us. Natsuo will meet us there." Nodding at me we kept close as we left the hospital.

Honestly the normal hospital was just a walk down from where we were. Maybe a five minutes because of how big the two hospitals were but to make such a fuss. These people...

The walk was silent. I still knew not what to say to her at times but it was peaceful. Simply standing near her was enough for me. After all these years, feeling the cool air she gave off was enough for me. I bet Asami loved it too. When we got there the receptionist recognized me immediately and simply passed the book so I can sign my name.

"Shoto! Kaa-san!" Fuyumi walked over to us signing her name as well.

"Todoroki-kun..." she bowed her head slightly and I returned the greeting "Gomen Todoroki-kun, earlier today all three of their vitals spiked and one died-"

None of us let her finish as we ran off for the elevator. To be honest I am very tempted to run up those stairs.

"Shoto." I looked at mom "You go first." She didn't need to tell me twice. I was already running for the stairs.

I took them three at a time heart racing as I ran up to the fifth floor. The thought that one of them died pained me. It pained that if it was one of the boys, Asami lost one of her first friends. It hurt because I created a sort of bond with them also. I hadn't noticed at the time but I did. It was the same feeling with Asami. They were like my baby brothers.

Now if it was Asami. I don't know what I'd do. How I'd cope. It already hurt knowing the fact that I was too late to reach. Far less the old man who was closer even on the opposite side of where her school was. It already hurt having to fear suddenly losing her after she's fought for so long to survive.

That brat is strong. She survived being bombed and still wreaked the villains shit. She'll live.

Problem child will be fine, she's too stubborn to go down as we've seen.

For whatever the reason. Bakugou's confidence about Asami recovering and the calm words of sensei was the only true reassurance I had. And I hung onto them

I finally made it to the floor and ran through the halls. I'm not supposed to, and I did not care. I stopped by her door almost skidding past it, but I gripped tightly to the handle and slammed the door open. I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath. Then I looked up and I felt like crying.

There she was, sitting up on the bed with Daiski next to her. Both had physically changed, I expected that. Seeing them both there and not Hiroshima told me all I needed to know about who died but the relief I felt at not losing them all. It was overpowering the grief.

I stepped slowly making sure I didn't blink as I took them in. The silhouettes of their younger selves flashed before me then faded into their older now current selves. I finally reached them, now standing at the side of Asami's bed. My hand shook as I lifted it to touch her. Like she always did she held my hand there and snuggled into it.

"Shoto..." she voice was less high pitched than before, but it was still soft. She felt warm, warmer than before but she didn't seem in pain. I teared up more at the sight of the scar on her face. But when she opened her eyes they shone like gems with their new colours. They showed life.

"Asami..." I pulled her to me not bothering to stop crying. I think that was what she needed because her body shook and she began to sob.

I held her tightly but my eyes were on the boy, no teen next to her. He only looked a year younger than I did now. In his eyes I saw what the other left behind. I reached for him too

"Kichirou..." he teared up trying to hide but I wouldn't let him. I pulled him to me "You're okay. You're both here..."

"We are...but...but Ryu-" They couldn't finish but they didn't need to.

"I know... I know." That made them both cry more.

"Asami!!" Fuyumi's voice echoed around the room and then a gasp. I slowly pulled back allowing my sisters and mother to hug. I moved to the other side of the bed to look at Kichirou.

"Pink oddly suits you." He gave a startled laugh.

"I never thought it would."

"But it does." He gave me his best smile.

"So I've been told."

"I know it hurts. Maybe I don't know the extent and this may sound very selfish of me to say, maybe biased." Everyone was now looking at me. "But I'm glad you two made it. I'm happy you're alive. I don't like that Ryouta died after fighting for so long, but I do know he's no longer in pain and I'm glad for that too." I sighed "We will miss him but he left you us. So please don't feel like he's gone completely, because he's not. He lives on. In you." I patted Daiski's hair "And you." I did the same for Asami "And forever in our memories." I gave them the best smile I could muster in this situation.

"Arigatou... I really needed to hear that." I turned nodding at who I recognized as one of Ryouta's mothers.

"Damn it..." We turned back to Kichirou who was crying again "I thought I had no more tears left! Mixing with that dork made me a crybaby!" He joked

"No, you were already one." Asami smiled through her tears pulling her friend in a hug.

"Shut up..." a collective sigh passed through the room and everyone breathed in relief.

"That's right. Let that pain flow. Let it break you, then let it build you. You've suffered, you've lost. Now take those and store those feelings within you. Store it and use it as fuel to keep pushing forward." Daiski father nodded. "To keep living, to keep fighting for the lives of your friends that you've lost, and for the ones that are now going to rely and turn to you." He finished.

That was inspiring. He must be a motivational speaker.

"We will." They nodded eyes burning much more than I've ever seen it.

"You both have way too beautiful eyes." Fuyumi smiled lightening the mood in the room. At least until the door opened again and Natsuo stepped in. When he looked up he froze and unlike me he cried outright at the sight of Asami awake.

He rushed to her side practically jumping onto her and burying her still small body in his big one.

"You're never allowed outside the house again!" He pointed at Daiski too "You too! Neither of you are allowed to leave the house unless it's to spend the night by the other or switch houses!" The parents chuckled.

"You can't do that." Asami giggled and a weight lifted off my chest.

"I can..." he sounded like he was pouting.

"He's pouting." Daiski smiled and another weight disappeared.

They'll be okay. That seemed to register as silent agreement in the room of worried family. Yeah, they'll be okay.

"Bakugou was right..." I huffed chuckling slightly, earning confused looks.

"Bakugou? How?"



"ACHOO!" Said blonde glared off to the side "Who the fuck is bad mouthing me..?"

"Oi brat did you catch a cold!?"

"Like fuck I did!!"

"Watch your language with me brat!!"

"Must be fucking Deku..." he growled before explosions sounded "DEKU YOU FUCK!! STOP MUTTERING BOUT ME!!" and he proceeded to scream.



Tried to end it on a lighter note to take some pain.

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