~ Chapter 8 ~

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Asami pov

Yawning I rolled off my bed heading to the bathroom to start my day. As I was brushing my teeth realization dawned on me. I start school today.






I quickly finished brushing my teeth then proceeded to run around the bathroom like a headless chicken in a excited yet very nervous way. In my weird mode I still managed to bathe and get dressed and only when I was combing my hair did I really settle down a bit.

Oh, my hair is getting longer. Would I look pretty with long hair? Hmm... I stared unable to answer for myself. I'll ask everyone else. I finished handling my hair and left my room heading downstairs.

"Ohayo nee-chan, nii-chan." I greeted Fuyumi and Shoto frowning a bit when I realized Natsuo wasn't here.

"Ohayo Asami! Take a seat, I'm almost finished." Nodding I sat beside nii-chan who seemed lost within his thoughts before he turned to face me.

"Are you ready for school?" I smiled nodding at him.

"Mhm! I can't wait. I had almost forgotten though." He hummed

"Nervous or excited?"

"Both? I get to finally go to school and make some friends! But... what if everyone thinks I'm like tou-san, that'll be bad..." I frowned looking down at my very interesting pants.

"I highly doubt you will ever be mistaken for that man. Don't worry too much, you'll be fine." He patted my hair and though his face was blank I saw the care and how soft his eyes were as he looked at me.

"Haii!" I smiled believing him. Nii-chan has never lied to me before and usually the things he say are mainly correct so there is no reason for me to doubt him.

"Here you go, it's hot so blow on it okay." Fuyumi set down a bowl of rice porridge for us.

"Itadakimasu!" I clasped my hands together then began to eat. I blew softly on it before placing it in my mouth.

The heat sent a shiver down my spine and once I swallowed it I let out a relaxed sigh. Fuyumi's cooking can de-stress anybody. Nii-chan on the other hand was just staring at his.

"Is something wrong Shoto?" Fuyumi frowned watching as his face went from blank to a deadpan expression

"I wanted soba..." he looked away from our direction finding interest in the door. I laughed as Fuyumi sighed seeming relieved.

"No, you need a hot breakfast to start you off. Cold soba will not full you for breakfast."

"It will..."

"Shoto..." Fuyumi sighed exasperated with him. I laughed continuing to eat. At least he began to eat too.


I stood outside my new school admiring it. It was a big five story building that took up practically the entire street. The windows in the building looked as if in an emergency it's a possible exit. Or was it that they actually let kids with wings enter through there? Anyway...

On the left side of the school I saw a track field. Next to it was a tennis court and a football field. On the right was gyms probably for basketball or volleyball and I knew there was one for swimming if the pool had any indication.

"Hmm..." I looked up at tou-san who was also observing the school as well. "I suppose for a non elite school I chose right. However I have places to be and this person is taking long." He folded his arms glaring at anything and everything.

"They'll be here soon. Patience tou-san, isn't that the lesson you were teaching me yesterday?" He grunted directing his glare at me as I smiled up at him.

"Um, um..." We turned seeing a woman now standing before us. "Oh, Ohayo... I came to, to..." she stuttered obviously nervous.

"Speak up! I don't have all day!" Tou-san's voice boomed easily over hers and I swear I heard her shriek a bit from it.

"Yes, yes! Gomen ne, um. I'm here to take Todoroki-chan and show her around before class begins!"

"Very well." He turned about to leave "I shall see you later. Your brother will pick you up." I nodded waving as he got into the car and left. I turned to face the still shaking woman.

"Shall we go..?" I nodded and followed her into the school.

As she gave me a tour all the kids around us would stare and whisper while pointing at me. They were very interested in the fact that I am a Todoroki. Some even fan girled or boyed when talking about it.

After seemingly an hour of touring the school Mrs Noriyama gave me my schedule and dropped me off in class.

"If you have anymore questions you know where to find me, right. You do remember right? Maybe I should write down the directions in case you don't..."

"No that's fine. I remember! Arigatou!" I smiled up at the more calm yet still very nervous woman. She sighed nodding and walking off.

Turning I face my homeroom teacher who was patiently waiting for me with a smile. She motioned for me to enter the room and when I did all talking stopped.

"Everyone, please meet our new student, Todoroki Asami." Muttering went around at the mention of my name. "Please introduce yourself for us."

"Mhm. Well, since you all know who I am maybe I can answer some questions?" Instantly hands went up. I picked one.

"Why is your hair pink?"

"I was born with pink hair."

"But Endeavor has red hair!"

"And my okaa has white! Hence red and white make, pink!" He nodded satisfied "You."

"You're small, how old are you?"

"I'm six! And I know I'm small, I am still growing."

"What's wrong with your eyes? Are you wearing contacts?"

"No, my eyes are naturally like this."

"That's weird!"

"No, that's my normal."

"Are you really a Todoroki?"

"That is my name if I remember correctly."

"Will you get me an autograph from Endeavor?!"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Alright, no more questions everyone. Todoroki-chan, you can take a seat next to Hashiyama-kun." A boy with burgundy messy hair and pretty pink eyes lifted his hand up. I went to sit beside him. He smiled showing me fangs.

"Hi! I'm Hashiyama Ryota! Nice to meet you!" He held his hand out and I shook it.

"You too!" We smiled at each other.

I wonder if I just made my first friend?

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