~ Chapter 28~

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Asami pov

"Um..." I blinked "Why are you All in cheerleading outfits? Is it part of the games?" I titled my head.

"No we were tricked by Kaminari and Mineta." Momo sulked.

"There there..." I patted Momo on her back hoping to cheer her up. "Oh. The recreational games are starting right? Can I cheer with you all?" I smiled eyes shining as I looked up at Momo hoping she'd make a costume for me too.

"Of course!" She smiled making a mini version of the girls costume but with the colors different. Mine was the same colour as their gym uniform.

"Arigatou!" I giggled running back to quickly change.

I ran back out and Hagakure passed me pom poms. I squealed and we jumped around together.

"Hoo? What's this I see? We have ourselves a little supporter cheerleading for the kids of the next round!!" Present Mic yelled "Look how pretty she looks in our colors!!" He cheered and the crowd joined in.

I laughed and continued to cheer the students on. Until I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Huh. Eh?" I saw spiky blonde hair and lifted myself to see ruby eyes "Bakugou?" I titled my head.

"Shut up!" We stopped in front of Midnight and he held out a card. "It says bring something that represents cotton candy. So I brought her." I was set down. Blinking confused for a moment before it registered what he did.

I began to laugh.

"I'm not cotton candy nor do I resemble it."

"The hell you aren't!! Your hair is pink and your eyes are two different colors! Last I checked cotton candy has three colors, you just happened to be the pink one!"

Midnight laughed at me but told Bakugou that I don't count. He was furious. Laughing at him I ran away just to be chased by the short tempered boy.


"Now for the first match!" I looked up "On one side! His grades aren't bad but what's with that expression?! From the heroics departmen, Midoriya Izuukuu!!!" I giggled clapping as Izuku went on stage.

"On the other side, sorry but he hasn't done anything special yet! From the general department, Shinsou Hiittooshii!!" I gasped.

"Oh he's that boy!" I grinned.

"That boy?" Shoto glanced down at me face blank. I nodded.

"His quirk seems to make people listen to him. It's so cool!" I gushed. Right then as Midoriya moved he froze.

"Ahh Midoriyaaa!!" Ojiro-san was freaking out.

"Midoriya isn't moving an inch!?" Mic yelled almost louder than he was before.

Was he that surprised?

I watch on the edge of my seat when Midoriya turned and began to walk out of bounds.

"Oh noo!! Midoriya!!" I wailed pitifully. There goes me wanting to see him and Shoto fighting.

But wait! What's this? He broke himself out! I stood up on the seat cheering happily. And look at that I still wore my U.A. cheering uniform. Midoriya stopped turning his head to glare at Shnsou. He quickly rushed to the purple haired boy and after a small fist fist Midoriya did an over head throw that slammed Shinsou out of bounds. I winced.

I know that feeling...you did great Shinsou-san!!

"Asami, sit before you fall." Shoto glanced at me. Nodding I hopped off the chair and waited for the next match to start. "I'm going now." I nodded

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