~ Chapter 12 ~

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Asami pov

"I'm tired..." I yawned rubbing my eyes as Hashiyama-kun and Daiski-kun sat opposite me while we did a joint class project.

"Why are you so tired?" Hashiyama asked. I hummed shrugging.

"Was I the only one who got in trouble with their parents yesterday?" Daiski asked huffing. I shook my head.


"I got in trouble too. No tv for a week!" Hashiyama pouted.

"I got my autograph taken away and am not allowed to play outside this weekend." Daiski huffed.

I was forced to train my quirk passed my body's limits which resulted in me getting frostbite burns, and overheated which then sent my body into shock for a few hours.

"I'm not allowed to ask my onee-san for any sweet treats or soba and have to eat only rice and vegetables until the weekend." I sulked lying.

The one thing tou-san never gives Fuyu-nee orders on is what to feed us. She's a calm and collected person but when you tell her what to do in the kitchen it all goes out the window, ask Nasu-niisan. He can confirm.

"Wow, Endeavor is strict." Daiski stared. I nodded sadly.

"Too much..." I mumbled setting my head on the desk.

"Eh!? That's the time already!? Todoroki-chan we have to go!" I blinked looking to the clock above the door as well.

"You're right. See you later Daiski-kun!" I hopped off the chair and we began to leave.

We were going to enter the school when the sound of crying caught my attention. I stopped.

"Did you hear that Hashiyama-kun?" He stopped too and we listened.

"Get back here miss quirkless!!" A girl's voice laughed out before the crying got louder. 

I passed the door going to the side of the building that leads into the forest. What I saw made me mad. A bunch of older kids was bullying a smaller girl. They were throwing mud and sand on her and pulling her hair.

"What do you think you're doing!?" I yelled marching up to them steaming slightly.

"Huh? Oh, Todoroki-chan!" The girls smiled at me as if they don't have another girl's hair in their hands.

"Ignore her Todoroki-chan, we got this." A boy nodded to himself looking smug.

"Got what!? What exactly do you think it is you're doing?" I asked again.

"She bumped into me and pushed me! As a quirkless I am above her so she had to apologize first but she didn't!" One of the girls whined.

"Who is above who?" The air around us heated making them sweat. "Who told you that you were above her?" I stepped closer "Did sensei tell you that?"


"Your parents..?"


"Then who told you that you were above her?" By now I was standing directly in front of the girl.

"Well I have a quirk and she doesn't so that makes her the weaker one."

"And what do heroes do when there's someone weaker than they are in front of them?"

"Protect them..?"

"Ehh, are you asking me?" I tilted my head glaring at her.

"Heroes protect the weak!" A boy yelled out smiling brightly.

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