~Chapter 34~

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Third pov

News was broadcasting the event nationwide. About how a school was bombed and that the no.2 Hero's daughter despite being so young took a stand and not only protected her classmates but allowed for rescuers to easily find half of the students bodies.

"In this devastating time out of 300 students 145 are dead, 50 gravely injured with burns, contusion and possible signs of paralysis. And 85 managed to made it out without major injuries. We have a statement from the heroes nearby that would like to formally apologize to Endeavor for making his eight years old daughter fight and capture the villain in order for him not to cause more damage. They also apologize to all the families that suffered loss because of how untimely they were to response to the sound of explosions coming from the schools."

"Besides that Endeavor himself seemed quite proud of how his daughter managed to not only protect her classmates and herself but rescuers stated that she created an ice coffin of sorts to protect the bodies of school members and her classmates. A student claimed to hear her say and I quote "When we get out and they're getting the bodies of the ones that didn't make it, they can find our friends and we can bury them."- what a kid."

"Right? Endeavor-san we wish full recovery for your daughter and everyone in the school that were involved in that attack. Our condolences to those who lost their children."

"In other news-" Shoto turned the television off gaining the attention of Rei and Fuyumi.

"Shoto! How is she?! Can we see her yet?" Fuyumi ran up.

"She's running a high fever but other than that they said she'd be fine. One said the sudden change of her body probably increased the range of her quirk as well, and since it was such a sudden change her body is adjusting."

"What of the others who were hit too?" Rei worried. Asami told her of her friends. They even fought by her side.

"The same is with them. Although Daiski-kun had to be retrained from trashing in his sleep." Shoto sighed.

"Are the changes permanent?" Fuyumi worried.

"Hai...it's permanent... she looks Thirteen years old now."

"Honestly, I'd rather this outcome than her dying." Rei wiped her tears away but more kept falling "I wish to see her but..."

"It's okay. None of us are allowed either. And I'll make sure you get to see her when we are." Shoto reassured.


"Todoroki-kun!!" Shoto looked up blinking as he saw that his classmates were all in front of him.

"We saw the news! Is Asami okay?!" Kaminari and Mina asked first. Shoto sighed looking down.

"She's stable. She got hit with the quirk so it's messing her up a bit." A bit was an understatement but still...

"The brat is strong. She survived being bombed and still wreaked the villains shit. She'll live." Bakugou clicked his tongue rolling his eyes.

"Aww Bakubro you care for her!"

"Shut the fuck up shitty hair!!" The classroom door opened and Aizawa strutted in no longer mummified.

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