~Chapter 29 ~

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Third pov

"Bakugou! That fight was awesome! You were so cool!" Asami was the first to greet the ash blonde.

"Of course I won!" Bakugou rolled his eyes but she smiled

"One day I'll make you train with me. It'll be awesome. But right now...I have to go!" With that she ran off not noticing the ash blonde watching her until he could no longer see her pink hair flowing behind her.

"Tch. Dumbass wanna fight me huh?" He grinned. "Not in the next ten years!" He cackled to himself ignoring the looks his classmates gave.


Asami got to where she spotted Endeavor right as the match got announced. She panted softly before gathering herself and walking over to stand beside her father silently. She wasn't sure he acknowledged her but he wasn't the important one. Shoto is.

Endeavor acknowledged his daughter the moment she appeared behind him. There were times where she could get past him with ease, and there where times where he'd sense her once she was in a 6ft range. His flames would react to her. He's been questioning why. His flames never reacted to any of his others, not even Shoto. He stopped thinking about it as the match began.

Of course Shoto started the round with ice, much to Endeavor's displeasure. Asami of course didn't care about that, she was simply amazed with the power output with just a flick of Midoriya's fingers. She had seen it slightly in the first round but it was so short lived she didn't get to assess it. Now she did and she was truly amazed.

The only thing Asami was truly upset about was the fact that she couldn't hear what Midoriya was saying to Shoto. She could tell from her aniki facial expression that it was something he didn't want to hear.

He's slowing down. Asami frowned. He's not getting enough time to heat up, so frostbite is seting in. Asami hissed when Midoriya punched Shoto in his side sending him flying slightly.

He kept yelling at Shoto after but with all the cold wind flying and the sound of the pressure no one could hear a word the boy was saying until... finally...

"It's yours!!" Asami's eyes widened and she stilled "IT'S YOUR QUIRK! YOUR POWER!!!" Time slowed for both Shoto and Asami.

"You aren't a slave to your blood. You can become the man you want to be..."

"Our flames...belong to us. Maybe he gave it, but now, now it's ours."

Rei's voice, his mother's voice sounded in his head from a memory he kept locked away then his sunshine, his imotou's voice sounded as well. Images of them both holding onto his hand telling him what he didn't want to hear but needed to. And with Midoriya. That was the last push he needed.

Flames burst forth from Shoto engulfing his entire left side and then some behind him. It was large, wild and untamed. Immediately he got a response.

"SHHHOOOOOTOOO!!!!" Endeavor yelled grinning widely. "SO YOU'VE FINALLY ACCEPTED YOURSELF HAVE YOU!? Good! EXCELLENT!!! YOU WHO HOLDS MY BLOOD SURPASS ME AND REALIZE-" more flames erupted from behind Endeavor cutting him off and a weight went on his shoulders as small hands covered his mouth.

"IGNORE HIM!" Asami yelled smiling just as wide as her brother "SHOTOOO!!! WE'RE PROUD OF YOU SHOTOO!! I AM PROUD OF YOU!! GAMBATTE ONII-SAN!!!" Asami yelled laughing from her position on her father's shoulder.

"Now that is encouragement!! Don't know what Endeavor was doing but his daughter got it down pact!! Even I'm rooting for Todoroki now!"

"You really can't do your job correctly can you?" Aizawa drawled out but he was quite amused by the fact that Asami silenced Endeavor and the way she did it.

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