~ Chapter 3 ~

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Shoto; 10
Asami; 3

Third pov

The training room was cold, to the point where you could see your breath. Shoto was in said training room, frostbite covering his left side as he continued to thaw and freeze the room while trying not to damage anything. At first he was just doing normal strength training but then he decided to try and up his quirk.

"Nii-chan..." a tiny voice sniffled from behind him. Shoto turned getting out of the battle stance he had been in, to look at Asami who was supposed to be in bed.

"Asami. Why are you out of bed?" He walked over to her. She had suddenly caught a high fever yesterday and none of them knew it until she fainted before dinner.

It was safe to say Fuyumi freaked out. Massively. Enji the ever cold person that he is told her to suck it up, at least he was leaving her alone but the look on his face made Shoto feel uneasy. He knew something Shoto didn't and that bothered the boy greatly.

"Hot..." she muttered frowning and stepping into the room. Immediately the floor beneath her bare feet melted shocking Shoto from the steam that Asami was unknowingly emitting.

"Asami!" Shoto yelled in shock as her hands and feet were suddenly lit aflame. Her eyes widened as she stared at the fire covering her fingers in awe.

Then she began to bounce.

"Onii-chan I got my quirk!!" She squealed happily. Shoto sighed. He felt two things at the moment, happy that Asami got her quirk, and irritated that she got his quirk.

"I'm happy for you Asami, now put out the fire before you burn off your dress, here I'll help." Knowing she had no control over that yet he reached out to out her flames with his ice, instead both their arms got encased in a thick layer of ice.

"Eh? Nii-chan why'd you do that?" Asami frowned titling her head in confusion. Shoto on the other hand stared in silent horror.

His face went completely and utterly blank, heck even his thoughts halted on him. After blankly staring at their frozen hands for two minutes Shoto finally blinked.

"I...I didn't do..that..." His heterochromatic eyes shook at the realization of what just happened.

"Huh? Then was it me?" Asami asked her own heterochromatic eyes looking into his own. Shoto felt sick to his stomach. He broke the ice holding their hands together picked Asami up and sped off to her room.

"Asami, you're still sick so using your quirk right now is a bad idea. Don't use your quirk until I give you the okay, alright?" He rushed out but kept his face as emotionless as he could so he wouldn't worry her.

"Eh? Okay?" She nodded confused on his reaction to her quirks. Then she frowned as a thought crossed her mind. "Is, is onii-chan angry I got a quirk like his?" She teared up facing puffing out as she looked to the floor which suddenly became the most interesting thing in her sight.

Shoto paused, his rapidly beating heart settling as he listened to her sniffles since he didn't give Asami an answer and she assumed he was. Sighing he remained silent for the rest of the walk to her room and once in it he set her down gently on her bed.

Asami, now sad she had a quirk like her brother's that upset him, refused to look Shoto in his eyes. Seeing this Shoto took a deep breath before he knelt down and forced Asami to look at him by placing his forehead on hers. She still looked away though.

"Asami I...I'm not mad." She glanced at him "Gomen ne, I made you feel bad for gaining your quirks, that was not my intention however. I was just, worried... I don't want you to be taken away from me." Shoto frowned wondering if she understood what he meant.

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