The Baseball

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I finally made it out of the door. When I walked outside it was a cold and foggy day. It was so foggy you couldn't see a couple steps in front of you. I laughed a little because I imagined the boys yelling and being all upset that they wouldn't be able to play in this fog. I started my walk to the Sandlot and let myself drown in my thoughts. I thought about the morning, that felt a life time ago. The morning where I last remember me and Anna really being in a good spot. But it was also the first time I noticed something was up. The first sign our friendship wasn't going to last. No, what am I doing? The past is the past, I need to suck it up. I start jogging the rest of the way to the Sandlot.

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I open my eyes and the next thing I know, the train is pulling into the station. My stomach completely drops. I feel my eyes start to almost burn with tears. I loose my breath, and I freeze where I am. My sister reaches across the booth and grabs my hand. I look at her, still being completely frozen. "Everything is going to be ok. No more running." Her eyes are almost piercing my soul. Like the hell she ain't going to tell me if I can run or not. I pull my hand away from hers and start to grab my bag. We walk off the train and we stand in the middle of the station. We both look at each and remember that no one knows were are home, no one is here to pick us up. "We better get going if we are going to walk." I nod my head at my sister. When we walk outside the fresh, cold air hits me. I take it all in. It's so foggy I don't know how my sister thinks we are going to walk all the way home. "Stay here, I'm going to call my friend. See if she can give us a ride." I don't even acknowledge her at this point because she had already walked away. I walk back inside the station and find a bench to sit down on. I'm stuck in my thoughts when something hits my foot. I look down and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a baseball. I picked it up and held it in my hand. It feels like I hadn't seen one of these in a while. I look up and notice and little boy is standing right in front of me. "Hi! Umm...that's my baseball, can I have it back?" I could barley get a word out. I just nodded my head. He grabbed it out of my hands but before he could go I say "hey, what do you want to be when you grow up?" He smiles just like little kids always tend to do and says "Oh!! I want to play major league baseball and make it big! I love baseball." It was the first time in a while that I truly smiled. "Don't ever loose that dream. No matter what gets in the way. Ok?" He looks at me and says "Ok, I won't" I laugh and watch him walk back towards his parents. "Oh and one more thing." He turns back to look at me "Never doubt a girl when she says she can play ball." The biggest smile shoots across his face and I watch him turn and head back to his parents. 

Do You Love Me? (Sequel to Just Being Friends)(Benny Rodriguez Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now